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Zoldbab Fozelek

Servings 0


  • Wax beans slice and wash
  • 1 small onion slice
  • 2 cloves garlic slice
  • 1 chicken bouillon cube Vegeta/Royco as needed
  • Water as needed
  • Chicken Vienna sausages ready to consume, I used Grace brand, 4 tiny cans
  • Roux 1 tbsp corn oil, 1/4 c flour, 1 tsp paprika powder, enough hot water
  • Buns to serve


  • Heat oil, saute onion and garlic add in wax beans and water, bring to boil
  • Add in sausages and spices, adjust to taste and cook until beans are tender
  • Make roux by dry frying flour and paprika, then add in hot water, stir and cook to thicken
  • Pour roux into pot and cook 10 mins more, adjust the taste
  • Toast buns or bread, and serve with hot wax bean soup