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Veggie & TVP Fresh Spring Rolls

lumpia basah
Servings 0


  • spring roll wrappers
  • water


  • 2 shallots thinly sliced
  • 3 garlic thinly sliced
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp hemp seeds
  • 1/3 c x 2 of TVP mixed with 1 tbsp dehydrated veggies, soften in enough hot water to bloom
  • 1/3 c packed juice pulp


  • Peanut butter if it's a little solid, microwave to almost oily liquid
  • Sriracha sauce
  • Kecap manis ketjap manis, sweet thick soy sauce, such as ABC brand, available at Wholesale Canada/Safeway
  • Garlic powder and onion powder
  • A drop or two of lemon juice bottled
  • Enough water to thin if needed



  • Place everything on nonstick pan and cook til soften, on medium heat, adding low sodium soy sauce, sesame oil, freshly cracked black pepper, and Vegeta powder, to taste.
  • Stir in a little dried basil and tarragon
  • Cool to room temperature


  • Mix and stir everything to your liking flavor and consistency

Spring Rolls

  • Soak rice paper wrapper individually, for a minute, to soften
  • Lay softened paper on chopping board or a plate, and spoon 1 heaping tbsp filling on one end, fold and roll into spring roll.
  • Repeat step until all filling used up