Soak fungi in warm water for 15 mins, drain, then resoak them but this time in hot boiling water, for 10 mins, drain, but dont dump the water, reserve for 250 ml, set to side
Slice or chop the fungi into bite size (for the white fungus, discard the middle part)
Stir in cornstarch in the reserved water, set to side
Slice/dice/chop your garlic
In a wok, add grapeseed oil, chili flakes, ginger, and your garlic, heat and stir until fragrant
Stir in the fungi, cover with lid, and let it cook for 8-10 mins on med heat
Take off lid, season with soy sauce, sesame oil, salt and sugar to taste
Pour in your cornstarch water, simmer for 5-8 mins