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Poppy Seed Bread Pudding (Makos Guba)

Servings 0


  • 300-500 g buns/rolls can be tear with your hands or slice with knife or cubed
  • 100 g poppy seeds ground
  • 1 envelope vanilla sugar
  • 3 1/2 c milk or enough to soak the buns
  • 5 tbsp or enough sugar the sweetness is to what you like, so more or less is depending you


  • Mix vanilla sugar with ground poppy seeds
  • Dissolved sugar in milk and simmer on low heat . Take off from heat and dip bread slices in milk. Place soaked bread into a bowl, repeat until all breads are wet
  • Mix in poppy seed mixture into the bowl, stir well to combine
  • Serve right away or chilled (the next day is even better IMO)