Preheat your panini griller, then lay an aluminum foil
Brush foil with unsalted butter, lay 4-5 bananas (depending on how big your griller is tho), then lay another foil on top of the banana, close the griller. You do want to press the banana, to get the same look and texture as Pisang Gapit, this specific grilled banana from my hometown in Kalimantan.
After 5 mins, flip the bananas, continue grilling until desired brownes (brown and firm would be the best texture and look – not soft banana, please!)
Meanwhile, bring coconut cream, sugar, salt and pandan to boil, then thicken with diluted cornstarch
Take off banana from the griller, push a fork in and cut the banana using ✂️ (yes you can use knife, but it’s more authentic with scissors – for me, as that’s how the vendors would do it 🤣)
Drizzle with sauce and serve immediately