Hungarian pasta dish with Indonesian spicy beef stew
Servings 0
1-2hot Hungarian green pepperwash clean, halve, take out all the seeds
1kgbeef brisketwash clean and cook as instructed on the back of the Indofood package
1package of Indofood Rendang instant ingredientscan be purchased in Asian stores
1package of pastaprefer the squares ones or the one showed in the picture
1can of coconut milk
1cabbageor lettuce, shredded
Cook beef with Indofood Rendang instant ingredients as instructed on the back of the package, when adding in the ingredients, if desire, add in 1/2-1 can of coconut milk. Cook well until all soups gone and thicken nicely, set aside
Meanwhile, heat the oil in the pan and saute the shredded cabbage/lettuce until tender, set aside
Bring water to boil, and cook pasta as instructed on the back of the package for about 200 gram or more as desire, when its cooked, drain, set a side
Mix well cooked pasta and cooked shredded lettuce (if its needed, heat them while mixing them)
To serve: Place cooked pasta mixed with lettuce on a plate, accompanied with Rendang, and as garnish and side dish, you can have the hot Hungarian pepper if you like.
If you can not find Indofood instant ingredients, go to Beef or Indonesia category for homemade Rendang :D