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Chocolate Avocado Pudding with Vanilla Sauce

Servings 0


chocolate layer

  • 1 envelope agar-agar powder
  • 600 ml almond milk
  • 1 c sugar
  • 4 tbsp cocoa powder

avocado layer

  • 450 ml milk
  • 1 c sugar to 1 1/4 c max!
  • 1 envelope agar-agar powder

vanilla sauce

  • 2 c cashew milk (1/4 c reserved for corn starch
  • 1/2 c sugar (or 1/4 c, depending if you like sweetness much or not)
  • 2 tbsp corn starch
  • 1/4 tbsp  pure vanilla extract


chocolate layer

  • Mix everything until no lumps, bring to boil for 5 mins, stirring continuously
  • Pour half mixture into jelly mold, chill until half-firm
  • Leave the half mixture in its pan, low the heat to the super low, covered

avocado layer

  • Bring to boil, 5 mins, stirring continuously
  • Take off from heat
  • Mix in a blender 150 ml almond milk with 2 avocado until smooth
  • Let stand hot mixture for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally
  • Once 10 mins is up, whisk in avocado mixture, until smooth
  • Then pour the whole mixture on top chocolate pudding
  • Once the avocado layer is half firm
  • Stir the left over chocolate mixture in the pan, then pour this mixture on top of avocado layer (before this, I again refilled the bowl with fresh snow) - so you will have chocolate, avocado, chocolate layers

vanilla sauce

  • Dissolve corn starch in reserved milk
  • Bring the rest of the milk and sugar to boil
  • Mix in corn starch solution, and cook til thicken
  • Take off from heat, stir in vanilla
  • Cool a bit before serving