Lovely sunny day today and we were just in the backyard making these 😀 So simple but so good, even I say so, and am an adult (well I’d like to think that I am hahaha) 😀
Easy to make and kids can help! – my oldest, who is 4 did help in preparing the cones 😀
You can fill these cones with whatever you/kids like actually. From dried fruit, fresh fruit, sweets, nut butter. If you have a mini cooler plugged into the truck or diesel, you can also packing along preserves, whipped cream in a can, and/or dessert sauce such as caramel or chocolate sauce.
For this time, I use:
Waffle cones
Mini marshmallows
Chocolate chips
Butterscotch chips
Fresh bananas, chopped/quartered
Fresh mangoes, chopped/quartered
Place ingredients into cones, wrap with aluminum foil, and throw into the fire for 5 minutes.
You can definitely do this over grill too, either over fire or bbq, grill for 8 minutes, turning once.
Please note that marshmallows and chips melt, and they can be very hot, so do watch out.
We have done waffle smores too! Yep, just add graham cracker crumbs into the mixture of marshmallows and chips.
Campfire Dessert Cones
- Waffle cones
- Mini marshmallows
- Chocolate chips
- Butterscotch chips
- Fresh bananas chopped/quartered
- Fresh mangoes chopped/quartered
- Place ingredients into cones, wrap with aluminum foil, and throw into the fire for 5 minutes.
- You can definitely do this over grill too, either over fire or bbq, grill for 8 minutes, turning once.
Dessert panggang
Suka berkemah ga? Well, meski ga suka, snack dibawah ini enak sekali dan sudah pasti anak-anak suka
Bisa di panggang di api perkemahan, alat bbq ataupun di oven, dan caranya mudaaaah banget
Ambil contong es krim yg bentuk waffle spt di foto. Isi dengan mini marshmallow, keping coklat, serta buah yang Anda inginkan (kami pakai pisang dan mangga). Bungkus dengan kertas alumunium, panggang di atas api, jadi deh.
Es krim contong yang terbuat dari waffle
Buah sesuka hati, misalnya pisang, mangga, stroberi, diiris
Keping cokelat/chip, secukupnya
kertas alumunium (aluminum foil)
Masukkan buah, cokelat serta mini marshmallow ke dalam contong es krim
Bungkus contong dengan kertas alumunium
Panggang/bakar (setidaknya 10 menit/hingga cokelat dan marshmallow melunak/meleleh)
Sajikan (awas panas!)