My littlest babe been having nose bleed lately. I am not so sure whether it’s due to the heater, yep, it’s been cold here that we have to turn on the heater already, jeez Louise, it’s only September ๐ He also still needs to learn not to poke too deep while cleaning his nose, so sometimes he would get a nose bleed from that too, but yesterday he did jump-flip-roll that he kinda hurt his nose, he bled for a bit as well. So, many nose bleeding lately. This morning tho, he did nothing, and it just started bleeding. Always freak everybody out at home when this happens. Crossing fingers he is okay.
Today’s post is rather everywhere and everything, which am sure you noticed it by now, lol. My babe is relaxing, lunch is prepared, house is cleaned, so now while I have a little window, why not blogging, right?
Like you know, sharing this following apple pie I made on Sunday.

My 8 yo loves American style apple pie (as pictured), while my 4 yo not so much. He prefers Hungarian style apple pie. This is due to the filling. While American is usually diced/cubed apples, which then we thickened it by cooking it, Hungarian is with grated apples, more fine filling, and prepared uncooked. The difference on the crust also what makes the boys have differ opinions. My 8 yo loves American crust (as much as I do), while my husband and my 4 yo prefer the cakey/bready type of dough for crust, such as the Hungarian.
We went apple picking last week, so most likely I will be sharing tons of apple-related recipes coming your way ๐
Here is the recipe for the apple pie if you’d like to make as well!
– 2 c flour
– 1 tsp BP
– 1 tsp salt
– 8 tbsp vegetable oil
– 1/4 c + 1 tbsp cold (ice) water
– 1 kg apple
– 1 scant c sugar
– 1/4 c brown sugar
– 1/4 tsp each cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice
– 3 tsp cornstarch dissolved in tiny water
– 5 tsp cornstarch
– 1-2 tsp lime juice

How To
– Mix crust ingredients, knead, roll and place on pie plate (enough to make two crust, for bottom and top), set aside
– Peel apple, seeded, chop/dice, place on non stick pan
– Add in the rest, and cook to thicken, take off from heat
– Preheat oven to 375 F
– Pour filling onto crust, top with another crust, poke holes for ventilations
– Bake for 30 mins
That’s all for today, hope all is well with you.
Apple Pie
- 2 c flour
- 1 tsp BP
- 1 tsp salt
- 8 tbsp vegetable oil
- 1/4 c + 1 tbsp cold ice water
- 1 kg apple
- 1 scant c sugar
- 1/4 c brown sugar
- 1/4 tsp each cinnamon nutmeg, allspice
- 3 tsp cornstarch dissolved in tiny water
- 5 tsp cornstarch
- 1-2 tsp lime juice
- Mix crust ingredients, knead, roll and place on pie plate (enough to make two crust, for bottom and top), set aside
- Peel apple, seeded, chop/dice, place on non stick pan
- Add in the rest, and cook to thicken, take off from heat
- Preheat oven to 375 F
- Pour filling onto crust, top with another crust, poke holes for ventilations
- Bake for 30 mins

Pai Buah Apel
Hai apa kabar?
Hari ini aku mau berbagi resep pai buah apel nih. Buatnya sih pas hari Minggu, tapi baru bisa sekarang di unggah
Oke deh silahkan ditengok resep pai buah apelnya kalau mau bikin juga.
Versi dibawah ini merupakan versi kesukaan anakku yang sulung, yaitu pai buah apel khas Amrik/Kanada.
Karena disini sedang musim Gugur, berlimpah buah apel, dan blogku bakalan seliweran dengan resep-resep menggunaka buah apel, jadi jangan bosen yak ๐
Pai buah apel khas Amrik berbeda dengan pai buah apel khas Hongaria, yang sering aku bagi resepnya disini.
Kalau dari Amrik/Kanada, kulit painya renyah, sedangkan kalau dari Hongaria, lebih menuju ke empuk seperti kue/roti.
Begitu pula isinya, meski sama-sama buah apel, tapi berbeda cara pembuatannya. Kalau pai dari Amrik/Kanada, apelnya di potong dadu atau di cacah lepas dan dimasak hingga mengental, pai dari Hongaria buah apelnya di parut dan tidak dimasak, hanya di campur dengan rempah, peras, dan diisi. Jadi hasil akhirnya juga berbeda antara kedua negara.
– 2 gelas terigu
– 1 sdt bakpulver
– 1 sdt garam
– 8 sdm minyak goreng
– 1/4 gelas dan 1 sdm air es/air dingin
– 1 kg buah apel
– 1 gelas gula pasir, ga penuh
– 1/4 gelas gula semut
– masing2 1/4 sdt kayu manis, pala, serta lapis legit bubuk
– 3 sdt tepung jagung larutkan dalam sedikit air
– 5 sdt tepung jagung tambahan
-1-2 sdt jeruk lemon/nipis
Cara Membuat
– Campur bahan kulit, adon, bagi dua, gilas. Satu buat kulit bawah, satu buat kulit atas. Taruh satu ke piring/cetakan pai
– Kupas apple, buang bijinya, potong dadu, campurkan dengan sisa bahan lainnya, masak hingga mengental, pada telfon anti lengket
– Tuang isi pada kulit, tangkup dengan kulit satu lagi, tusuk-tusuk untuk uap panas
– Panggang pada oven yang sudah dipanaskan 375 F selama 30 menit