Good morning!
I woke up to a bad dream. I seem to have bad dreams pretty often since I was little again. I know I watch too many horror/thriller movies, what a chicken, hey 😂
My husband woke me up around 3 AM since I was howling in my sleep (yeah, read cry). In my dream, I was cleaning the hamsters house and somehow I owned a kitten, and the kitten attacked Airy, the white hamster. So-many-blood. Airy died, I cried.
That’s my morning. How is yours 😂
They are good as is, in cold ice drink (like with syrup for example), used as topping on desserts, etc.
I like calling these babies as edible pearls sometimes. Much better than vegan fish eggs, IMO 🤣
Anyhoo, let’s check out how I made them.
Vegan Fish Eggs
- 1 orange, you should produce about 3/4 c of juice (or any other fruits)
- 1/2 c water
- 1/4 c sugar
- 1/2 tsp agar-agar powder
- vegetable oil
I actually made a video for this, but my 4 yo was screaming a lot at the time I was recording, so, yeah, not sharing that 🤣🤣🤣
How To
- Pour enough vegetable oil in a cup/jar, chill over night. You can speed up this process using the freezer, for an H at least.
- Place juice, water, sugar and agar-agar into a pot, stir
- Bring to boil for a minute
- Let stand for 5 mins (if you have a candy thermometer, it should read below 35 Celcius) – still warm but not scorching hot
- Using a new syringe (I got mine from Walmart), make droplets of mixture into cold vegetable oil
- Pour mixture out (reserve oil) and rinse with cold water
These are great for pudding topping or yogurt topping, btw!
Keto Dessert Pearls
- chill at least 1/2 c vegetable oil for overnight
- pour 1/3 sugar free juice (this time I used a mix fruit of cranberry and pineapple – my favorite. I love anything pineapple 😁, but obv. You are welcome to use any other sugar free juice) into a pot
- stir in 1/4 heaping tsp agar-agar powder
I made a video, but it wasn’t done, battery died so video got cut off 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Talking about my luck trying to record all these fish eggs 🤣🤣🤣🤣
How To
- Bring mixture to boil for a minute
- Take off from heat, let stand for 5 mins
- With syringe, make droplets into chilled vegetable oil
- Pour mixture and reserve oil
- Rinse pearls in cold water
Vegan and Keto Roe
- 1 orange you should produce about 3/4 c of juice (or any other fruits)
- 1/2 c water
- 1/4 c sugar
- 1/2 tsp agar-agar powder
- vegetable oil
- Pour enough vegetable oil in a cup/jar, chill over night. You can speed up this process using the freezer, for an H at least.
- Place juice, water, sugar and agar-agar into a pot, stir
- Bring to boil for a minute
- Let stand for 5 mins (if you have a candy thermometer, it should read below 35 Celcius) – still warm but not scorching hot
- Using a new syringe (I got mine from Walmart), make droplets of mixture into cold vegetable oil
- Pour mixture out (reserve oil) and rinse with cold water
Pagi teman!
Suka makan telurnya ikan ga? Dulu aku suka banget, sama kakak perempuanku kalau beliau goreng ikan, terus lihat ada telur ikannya, pasti dikasihkan ke aku 😁
Tapi, setelah kupikir2, ya ampun, kasihan banget, telur kan para bayi, dasar nih TKF, membunuh sesama umat. Jadi ga tega deh 😅
Untung sekarang bisa bikin telur ikan imitasi. Bisa dibuat manis dan juga bisa buat bikin rasa lainnya.
Nih resepnya kalau mau buat juga. Aku buat dua sih, satu rasa jeruk, dan satu lagi campuran rasa nanas dan buah krans.
- 1/2 gelas minyak goreng yang sudah didinginkan terlebih dahulu, semalamam di kulkas
- 1/3 gelas jus buah
- 1/4 sdt agar-agar bubuk yang tanpa warna, bisa juga menyesuaikan warna jus yah. Misalnya jusnya merah, tentunya bisa pakai red swallow 😊
Cara Membuat
- Didihkan
- Diamkan 5 menit
- Terus dengan menggunakan alat suntikkan bersih dan baru (tanpa jarum tentunya 😂), semprotkan cairan ke minyak goreng dingin
- Tiriskan dan sisihkan minyak
- Cuci telur ikan dengan air bersih