Hi Friends,
Today is warmer, only -31 C as opposed to -35 C, school busses still not running tho. Even for regular car, twice warmed, my steering wheel wasn’t smooth, so yeah, I cannot imagine for school busses should they be running. It’s misty too outside, misty blue 💙
I have a super simple stir fry to share today. My husband’s favorite, which is weird I know, as stinky beans are Asians favorite 🤣 Cant say I didn’t train him well now, can I 😍

1 bag sticky beans, frozen
1/2 small onion
2 tbsp unsalted butter
3 garlic
3 red bird eye
1 bag large tiger shrimps, frozen
1 pouch Indonesian hot sauce (sambal) – can be purchased online and/or at Indonesian store(s)
Rinse shrimps, remove skins, set to side
Give a quick rinse for the frozen stinky beans, and roughly slice or chop
Slice onion and garlic thinly, saute in melted butter, then stir in stinky beans, stir for a minute or two
Stir in Sambal, then add in shrimps
Cook for 5 mins on medium heat, seasoned with chicken bouillon powder if not salt, sugar, MSG
Serve immediately on warm rice
Oseng-Oseng Pete dan Udang
- 1 bag sticky beans frozen
- 1/2 small onion
- 2 tbsp unsalted butter
- 3 garlic
- 3 red bird eye
- 1 bag large tiger shrimps frozen
- 1 pouch Indonesian hot sauce sambal – can be purchased online and/or at Indonesian store(s)
- Rinse shrimps, remove skins, set to side
- Give a quick rinse for the frozen stinky beans, and roughly slice or chop
- Slice onion and garlic thinly, saute in melted butter, then stir in stinky beans, stir for a minute or two
- Stir in Sambal, then add in shrimps
- Cook for 5 mins on medium heat, seasoned with chicken bouillon powder if not salt, sugar, MSG
- Serve immediately on warm rice