The background music for this brownies video recipe is made by my son 😀 Well he did not exactly created the music, but there is this app that they can make their own background music videos using the provided music by the app. I hope I am making sense lol
This brownies is so easy to make and if you do not line pecans, just subs them with your favorite nuts 😀

7 cubes semi sweet Baker’s chocolate
1/2 c unsalted butter
Melt in microwave, cool
1/2 c sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
Beat til thicken
1/2 c flour
1/4 – 1/2 tsp salt
Mix in a bowl
Pour egg into melted choc, mix completely
Pour mixture into dry ingredients, mix to just combine, dont overmix
Sprinkle with pecan pieces
Bake on preheated 350 F for 19 mins (convection oven)
Cool completely before slicing
Decadent Brownies
- 7 cubes semi sweet Baker’s chocolate
- 1/2 c unsalted butter
- 1/2 c sugar
- 2 eggs
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 1/2 c flour
- 1/4 – 1/2 tsp salt
- Melt chocolate and butter in microwave, cool to room tempt
- Beat sugar and eggs plus vanilla until thickened
- Mix flour and salt in a bowl
- Pour egg into melted choc, mix completely
- Pour mixture into dry ingredients, mix to just combine, dont overmix
- Sprinkle with pecan pieces
- Bake on preheated 350 F for 19 mins (convection oven)
- Cool completely before slicing