Seriously getting closer to the big feast which I so cannot wait. For Day 22, I made Serundeng Tempe, but since I used the same recipe I always use and I have shared it, please just click here!
Day 24 today and tonight I have this following drink that I made yesterday for day 23 ๐ It’s been hot lately that cold icy and sweet drink is just perfect, more than anything, to break the fasting, you know ๐
Nothing too hard, may not seem special, but seriously quenching the thirst like so satisfying hahaha
Have you heard of Toddy Palm? Well I used the seeds from the fruits for this following ice. In Indonesia we call the seeds as “kolang-kaling”. Served with coconut milk, ice cubes, and our special syrup, called cocopandan (made of Pandan juice and coconut juice).

This drink is so easy to make and for a lazy person like me (come on now, from dawn til dusk, from 3 AM to 9 PM, no water no food, I am allowed to be lazy, right? hahahah), it is quick and simple to prepare. Win-win for myself ๐
I see that some friends asked what screwpine leaf is. It is Pandan or fragrant leaf. It’s leaves are green and would produce green water/juice. Can be used for food coloring, food flavoring, in cooking and baking plus drinks.
Anyways, here is how to make the drink

- 1 large can toddy palm fruit seed in heavy syrup, do not rinse
- 1 can coconut milk
- 1/4 c cocopandan syrup (the color is red)
- Mix everything in a bowl (if you make hours before, you can chill the mixture in the fridge)
Now, for serving. Pour a little cocopandan syrup into your serving glass, top with ice cubes, then pour above mixture (about 1 large ladle) into the glass, serve, mix, and enjoy ๐
See you soon again!
Es Kolang Kaling
- 1 large can toddy palm fruit seed in heavy syrup do not rinse
- 1 can coconut milk
- 1/4 c cocopandan syrup the color is red
- Mix everything in a bowl (if you make hours before, you can chill the mixture in the fridge)
- Pour a little cocopandan syrup into your serving glass, top with ice cubes, then pour above mixture (about 1 large ladle) into the glass, serve, mix, and enjoy

Dah pada sibuk bikin kue-kue kering kah, ibu-ibu Steemian?
Dah banyak yang ga aktif sih ibu-ibu dari Indonesia, karena Steem lagi rendah kemarin harganya jadi pada pergian deh ibu-ibunya hehe Aku lihat hanya bapak-bapak saja yang masih aktif, sedangkan ibu-ibunya hanya beberapa yang usernamenya masih seliweran di dunia pencak silat….eh salah ding, Steemit maksudnya haha
Aku kemarin bikin es kolang-kaling, ga pake ribet wkwkwk Karena lumayan banyak jadinya, 1 kontainer es krim, sebelum dikasih es, jadinya bisa menghasilkan bergelas-gelas.
Es berikut ini esnya orang pemalas lah. Cepat buatnya, ga bertele-tele hahaha Disini puasa lama euy, dari sebelum jam 3 pagi dah imsak, dan bukanya tuh jam 9 malam. Kalau sudah mulai Summer gini, panasnya bukan main. Sekarang sih masih belum +30 an C, karena baru awal-awal musim Panas. Lah tahun-tahun lalu,pas puasa kena di musim Panas, gile aja, matahari terbenam jam 11 an malam, dan kadang bisa diatas +38 C. Meleleh.
Nah es berikut ini cuman 3 bahan jadi deh hahaha
- 1 kaleng kolang-kaling siap pakai (manis)
- 1 kaleng santan siap pakai
- 1/4 gelas sirup cocopandan
- Campur jadi satu (kalau buatnya ga terburu-buru, bisa didinginkan di kulkas terlebih dahulu sebelum disajikan)
Tuang sedikit sirup di gelas, beri es batu, baru tuang campuran diatas. Aduk dan sajikan deh ๐
Es Kolang Kaling
- 1 kaleng kolang-kaling siap pakai manis
- 1 kaleng santan siap pakai
- 1/4 gelas sirup cocopandan
- Campur jadi satu (kalau buatnya ga terburu-buru, bisa didinginkan di kulkas terlebih dahulu sebelum disajikan)
- Tuang sedikit sirup di gelas, beri es batu, baru tuang campuran diatas.