Hi Guys!
For Ramadan Day 21, yesterday, my husband grilled me satays, yuuuummmooo!!
They are made of tempeh (fermented soy bean cake) and they are called Sate Kere, which translated to “poor man’s satay” – as they are not meat, you know hahahha
Normally the tempeh used would be tempeh Gembos instead regular tempeh. Tempeh Gembos is made of tofu “waste”, you know, the leftover of the soy beans when you make tofu.
We served the satay with peanut sauce, the same recipe that I posted yesterday ๐

- 7 bags of tempeh @160 g each
- 2 small dried galangal
- 1 salam leaf (Indonesian bay leaf)
- 3 kaffir lime leaves
- 1 huge thumb tamarind
- 1/3 c hot water
- 1 c thick coconut milk
- 1 tsp ground coriander
- 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
- 1 tbsp brown sugar
- 1 tbsp Vegeta powder
- 3 tbsp olive oil
- Cube tempeh, set aside
- Soak tamarind in hot water, squeeze to combine and produce tamarind juice
- Heat oil on medium heat and saute everything, but tempeh cubes
- Stir in tamarind juice and coconut milk
- Stir in tempeh cubes
- Cook until liquid soaked up, stirring occasionally
- Let tempeh cooled down then thread tempeh cubes on skewers
- Preheat your griller
- Drizzle tempeh with sweet soy sauce, grill on low heat until browning a little
- Serve with the sauce!

Peanut Sauce
- 1 c PB2 powder
- 1 tbsp brown sugar
- 1/3 sugar
- 1/2 tbsp garlic powder
- 1 tbsp Vegeta powder
- 4 chili, slice
- 1 tsp lemon juice
- 1/3 c x 3 hot water
- 1 tbsp tamarind juice (soak a little tamarind in hot water, squeeze, strain, reserve the juice)
- Mix everything in a bowl
Thanks for looking and I will see you tomorrow again ๐
Sate Kere
- 7 bags of tempeh @160 g each
- 2 small dried galangal
- 1 salam leaf Indonesian bay leaf
- 3 kaffir lime leaves
- 1 huge thumb tamarind
- 1/3 c hot water
- 1 c thick coconut milk
- 1 tsp ground coriander
- 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
- 1 tbsp brown sugar
- 1 tbsp Vegeta powder
- 3 tbsp olive oil
- 1 c PB2 powder
- 1 tbsp brown sugar
- 1/3 sugar
- 1/2 tbsp garlic powder
- 1 tbsp Vegeta powder
- 4 chili slice
- 1 tsp lemon juice
- 1/3 c x 3 hot water
- 1 tbsp tamarind juice soak a little tamarind in hot water, squeeze, strain, reserve the juice
- Cube tempeh, set aside
- Soak tamarind in hot water, squeeze to combine and produce tamarind juice
- Heat oil on medium heat and saute everything, but tempeh cubes
- Stir in tamarind juice and coconut milk
- Stir in tempeh cubes
- Cook until liquid soaked up, stirring occasionally
- Let tempeh cooled down then thread tempeh cubes on skewers
- Preheat your griller
- Drizzle tempeh with sweet soy sauce, grill on low heat until browning a little
- Serve with the sauce!
- Mix everything in a bowl

Hai Teman!
Dah pernah ngerasain Sate Kere? Sate tempe khas dari kota Solo yang lezaaaaat banget deh, meski bukan daging, ayam, ataupu mbek hahahha
Lazimnya sate kere menggunakan tempe gembos, tapi untuk resep berikut ini aku menggunakan tempe papan biasa ๐
Sate Kere ini kusantap semalam (kemarin) karena untuk puasa hari ke 21. Untuk hari ini aku belum tau mau berbuka apaan euy, meski ada kue tart di kulkas hahahah
Anyway busway. Sate kere berikut ini kusajikan dengan saus kacang yang resepnya sama dengan saus kacang untuk buat cireng tempo hari.
- 7 kotak tempeh, @160 g
- 2 buah laos kering ukuran kecil
- 1 daun salam
- 3 lembar daun jeruk purut
- 1 jempol asam jawa
- 1/3 gelas air panas
- 1 gelas santan kental
- 1 sdt ketumbar bubuk
- 1/2 sdt kunir bubuk
- 1 sdm gula merah
- 1 sdm Royco
- 3 sdm minyak zaitun
- Potong tempe kotak-kotak
- Rendam asam jawa dalam air panas,
- Panaskan minyak diatas api sedang, tumis segala bahan kecuali tempe
- Beri air asam jawa dan santan
- Masukkan tempe, aduk sesekali, masak hingga kesat (air habis)
- Dinginkan tempe suhu ruangan baru tusuk di tusukan sate
- Beri sedikit kecap manis, panggang di api kecil, hingga kecoklatan dan sajikan dengan saus kacangnya ๐
Sambal Kacang
- 1 gelas PB2 (kacang bubuk siap pakai)
- 1 sdm gula merah
- 1/3 gelas gula pasir
- 1/2 sdm bawang putih bubuk
- 1 sdm Royco
- 4 cabai merah rawit, potong-potong
- 1 sdt air jeruk lemon
- 3 x 1/3 gelas air panas
- 1 sdm air asam jawa
- Campurkan seluruh bahan di dalam sebuah mangkuk
Sate Kere
- 7 kotak tempeh @160 g
- 2 buah laos kering ukuran kecil
- 1 daun salam
- 3 lembar daun jeruk purut
- 1 jempol asam jawa
- 1/3 gelas air panas
- 1 gelas santan kental
- 1 sdt ketumbar bubuk
- 1/2 sdt kunir bubuk
- 1 sdm gula merah
- 1 sdm Royco
- 3 sdm minyak zaitun
Saus Kacang
- 1 gelas PB2 kacang bubuk siap pakai
- 1 sdm gula merah
- 1/3 gelas gula pasir
- 1/2 sdm bawang putih bubuk
- 1 sdm Royco
- 4 cabai merah rawit potong-potong
- 1 sdt air jeruk lemon
- 3 x 1/3 gelas air panas
- 1 sdm air asam jawa
- Potong tempe kotak-kotak
- Rendam asam jawa dalam air panas,
- Panaskan minyak diatas api sedang, tumis segala bahan kecuali tempe
- Beri air asam jawa dan santan
- Masukkan tempe, aduk sesekali, masak hingga kesat (air habis)
- Dinginkan tempe suhu ruangan baru tusuk di tusukan sate
- Beri sedikit kecap manis, panggang di api kecil, hingga kecoklatan dan sajikan dengan saus kacangnya ๐
Saus Kacang
- Campurkan seluruh bahan di dalam sebuah mangkuk