Hi Guys!
Ramadan Day 17-20 posting ๐
Hope this finds you well ๐ It’s been 5 days since I updated the 30 Days of Indonesia through sweets, my way of introducing Indonesia via their snacks, desserts, cakes, and drinks. I started doing this since 2018, whenever Ramadan, the holy fasting month is here ๐
My husband and kids been spoiling me with ice cream, chocolates, cake and cheesecake, that I have not been to the kitchen to make something special from Indonesia hahaha
But for Day 20 (today is Day 21), I made these rice nuggets, which are savory instead sweet, and are called Cireng Nasi. My husband finished them, darn it. He likes them as well hahaha.

I served these rice nuggest with spicy peanut sauce, but others would serve it with whatever their favorite sauce is. Some would just slice bird eye chilies and soak in sweet soy sauce with a little lime. So good ๐
Recipe for the sauce is included by the way ๐
- 2 c left over cooked rice
- 1/3 c hot boiling water x 3
- 6 tbsp tapioca starch
- 1 tbsp Vegeta seasoning powder
- 1/2 tbsp garlic powder
- a pinch of ground coriander
- Into a blender, process rice and hot water until smooth
- Pour into a bowl and add in tapioca starch, garlic powder, Vegeta and coriander
- Preheat enough oil on medium heat, drop batter but 2 tablespoon
- Fry for 5 mins each on each side
- Drain on paper towel
- Serve with peanut sauce (recipe below)

Peanut Sauce
- 1 c PB2 powder
- 1 tbsp brown sugar
- 1/3 sugar
- 1/2 tbsp garlic powder
- 1 tbsp Vegeta powder
- 4 chili, slice
- 1 tsp lemon juice
- 1/3 c x 3 hot water
- 1 tbsp tamarind juice (soak a little tamarind in hot water, squeeze, strain, reserve the juice)
- Mix everything in a bowl
Thanks for looking and I will see you around ๐
Cireng Nasi
- 2 c left over cooked rice
- 1/3 c hot boiling water x 3
- 6 tbsp tapioca starch
- 1 tbsp Vegeta seasoning powder
- 1/2 tbsp garlic powder
- a pinch of ground coriander
Peanut Sauce
- 1 c PB2 powder
- 1 tbsp brown sugar
- 1/3 sugar
- 1/2 tbsp garlic powder
- 1 tbsp Vegeta powder
- 4 chili slice
- 1 tsp lemon juice
- 1/3 c x 3 hot water
- 1 tbsp tamarind juice soak a little tamarind in hot water, squeeze, strain, reserve the juice
- Into a blender, process rice and hot water until smooth
- Pour into a bowl and add in tapioca starch, garlic powder, Vegeta and coriander
- Preheat enough oil on medium heat, drop batter but 2 tablespoon
- Fry for 5 mins each on each side
- Drain on paper towel
- Serve with peanut sauce (recipe below)
Peanut Sauce
- Mix everything in a bowl

Hai Teman!
Lama tak jumpa! Dah hari ke 21 aja yak, seneng deh ga lama lagi bisa pesta rendang dan opor ๐
Tidak seperti tahun lalu dimana hampir tiap hari aku bikin jajan pasar baru setiap harinya untuk berbuka ku, tahun ini suamiku sering banget beliin kue dari toko ataupun kalau ga mau ribet, aku tinggal buka buah kalengan, jadi deh. Tahun ini kebanyakan pekerjaan euy, jadi susah mau meluangkan waktu lama-lama di dapur, dah tinggal pingsan aja, kecapekan hahaha
Kemarin tuh aku buat cireng nasi sisa. Eeeeh….ternyata pak bos suka. Hari ini mau buat lagi hahaha
Aku buatin saus kacang kemarin dan uenak tenan deh ๐
Emang sih ada yang menyajikan cireng dengan bumbu rujak, sambal kecap, sambal petis, tapi kemarin aku sajikan dengan sambal kacang. Pernah aku sajikan dengan bumbu pecel, bagiku ga mantap, tapi suamiku suka baik dicocol di bumbu pecel ataupun sambal kacang.
- 2 gelas nasi sisa
- 3 x 1/3 gelas air panas
- 6 sdm tepung tapioka6
- 1 sdm bumbu penyedap siap pakai (misalnya Royco)
- 1/2 sdm bawang putih bubuk
- sejumput ketumbar bubuk
- Blender nasi dengan air panas
- Masukkan tapioca, bumbu penyedap, bawang putih serta ketumbar bubuk
- Panaskan minyak secukupnya dengan api sedang
- Goreng cireng per 2 sdm hingga kecoklatan, balik sekali saja
- Sajikan dengan saus kacang (dibawah)
Saus Kacang
- 1 gelas PB2 (kacang bubuk siap pakai)
- 1 sdm gula merah
- 1/3 gelas gula pasir
- 1/2 sdm bawang putih bubuk
- 1 sdm Royco
- 4 cabai merah rawit, potong-potong
- 1 sdt air jeruk lemon
- 3 x 1/3 gelas air panas
- 1 sdm air asam jawa
- Campurkan seluruh bahan di dalam sebuah mangkuk
Cireng Nasi
- 2 gelas nasi sisa
- 3 x 1/3 gelas air panas
- 6 sdm tepung tapioka
- 1 sdm bumbu penyedap siap pakai misalnya Royco
- 1/2 sdm bawang putih bubuk
- sejumput ketumbar bubuk
Saus Kacang
- 1 gelas PB2 kacang bubuk siap pakai
- 1 sdm gula merah
- 1/3 gelas gula pasir
- 1/2 sdm bawang putih bubuk
- 1 sdm Royco
- 4 cabai merah rawit potong-potong
- 1 sdt air jeruk lemon
- 3 x 1/3 gelas air panas
- 1 sdm air asam jawa
- Blender nasi dengan air panas
- Masukkan tapioca, bumbu penyedap, bawang putih serta ketumbar bubuk
- Panaskan minyak secukupnya dengan api sedang
- Goreng cireng per 2 sdm hingga kecoklatan, balik sekali saja
- Sajikan dengan saus kacang (dibawah)
Saus Kacang
- Campurkan seluruh bahan di dalam sebuah mangkuk