Hi Friends!
I have not update my 30 Days of Indonesia through traditional sweets during this Ramadan, the holy fasting month, as I have been break fasting with chocolates! Yikes! hahaha All those steps for Actifit and @cheese4ead to fill up his quota, are not helping me to lose weight but water weight ONLY ๐ But of course, in my defense, my lady month is coming! I am all acne and chocolate cravings hahahah
But yesterday and tonight, I had and will have these cakeletttes that in Indonesia we call them as mud cake, but they are totally different to Australian mud cake. Our mud cakes are cooked on special mold, stove top. Normally with potatoes, topped with either raisins or young coconut meat. They are known as Kue Lumpur, which literally translates as MUD cake.
So this is for Day 13-16!

Now, I mentioned that it’s made on stove top using specific mold, right? Well, today they have electric mold for it. But sadly, either the traditional mold or the modern electric mold, none of them are available in Canada and when I tried getting online, either no shipping to Canada, or shipping are 3 times of the price, YIKES!!!
So, all these times, I always make my kue lumpur baked in oven ๐
Now, here is the problem. Oven baked worked, when using eggs. But since am living with eggless, meatless, dairy free, no honey, a.k.a vegan, I had never tried making it without eggs. Needless to say, I have not eaten these cakelettes for more than 10 years lol
Yesterday, I was cleaning my pantry and saw this. Instant mashed SWEET potato.
Soooo…adding this and that, I did it! I made vegan mud cake! The looks are not there, not as pretty the regular mud cake, BUT the texture and the flavor, oh my gawd lol
Love them ๐
- 80 g instant sweet mash potato powder (or regular white potato)
- 3/4 c hot boiling water
- 1 can coconut milk, 400 ml
- 1/3 c sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/2 c flour
- 2 tbsp vegan margarine, melt
- raisins for topping
- vegetable spray (optional)

How To
- I had to heat my coconut milk just so it would be liquid, mine was too thick and all the goodies clumped up to the surface of the can. while heating, I add in sugar and extract, not boiling hot, not even simmering, just enough that the coconut milk melted and sugar dissolved
- Mix mashed potato powder with hot boiling water
- Stir flour into coconut milk, followed with melted margarine, and mashed sweet potato, whisk to combine well
- Preheat oven to 350 F
- Spray non stick muffin pan with vegetable spray
- Pour batter into each cavities, top with raisins, bake for 35 minutes
- Let cool completely in pan before removing so cakes firmed up
See you tomorrow again ๐
Kue Lumpur
- 80 g instant sweet mash potato powder or regular white potato
- 3/4 c hot boiling water
- 1 can coconut milk 400 ml
- 1/3 c sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/2 c flour
- 2 tbsp vegan margarine melt
- raisins for topping
- vegetable spray optional
- I had to heat my coconut milk just so it would be liquid, mine was too thick and all the goodies clumped up to the surface of the can. while heating, I add in sugar and extract, not boiling hot, not even simmering, just enough that the coconut milk melted and sugar dissolved
- Mix mashed potato powder with hot boiling water
- Stir flour into coconut milk, followed with melted margarine, and mashed sweet potato, whisk to combine well
- Preheat oven to 350 F
- Spray non stick muffin pan with vegetable spray
- Pour batter into each cavities, top with raisins, bake for 35 minutes
- Let cool completely in pan before removing so cakes firmed up

Hai Teman!
Gimana puasanya? Dah lewat 2 minggu aja nih. Dah tengah jalal, woo-hoo!!!
Dah mulai siap-siap bikin kue kering kah? Tanganku terbuka nih kalau mau kirim-kirim ke Kanada hahahha
Aku belakangan ini seringnya makan cokelat dan tempo hari pun dikirimin tetangga ku yang orang Indo, @nitalawelang, semangkuk kolak pisang campur kacang ijo. Jadinya ga ada update nih buat kue-kue traditional sejauh ini haha MAAF!
Tapiiiii, kemarin tuh aku bikin kue lumpur. Dan karena jadi selusin, dan ga habis semua lah, cukup untuk berbuka ntar malam lagi ๐
Nah, teman-teman tentunya tau kan, kalau mau buat kue lumpur, kudu punya loyang khusus. Dulu sih yang selalu diatas kompor. Kalau sekarang sudah ada yang pakai listrik. Sayangnya di Kanada, baik loyang tradisional ataupun yang elektrik kagak ada euy.
Pernah cek2 om Google, ada yang ongkos kirimnya semahal tiket pesawat, namun ada seringnya yang tidak bisa ngirim ke Kanada. Sedih deh hahah
Anyways busway. Akhirnya aku buat di oven mulu.
Sudah 10 tahun ini ga makan kue lumpur sih. Karena meski bisa di masak di oven, hasilnya beda aja ah. Ga seru. Dan sekarang pun, dah ga pakai telur di rumah, kalau pakaipun jaraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang banget, bisa sekali dalam 3-6 bulan kali hahah
Tadi pas bersih-bersih dapur, lihat ini. Untuk buat kentang tumbuk, namun ubi manis.
Jadinya utak atik deh, pakai bubuk kentang (ubi manis) dan alhamdulillah, mirip deh, untuk tekstur dan rasa. Kalau penampakan tidak secantik yg pakai telur sih
- 80 g bubuk kentang tumbuk baik yang ubi manis ataupun kentang tumbuk biasa
- 3/4 gelas air panas
- 1 kaleng, 400 ml, santan siap pakai
- 1/3 gelas gula pasir
- 1 sdt vanila esens
- 1/2 gelas terigu
- 2 sdm margarine, lelehkan
- kismis
Cara Membuat
- Campurkan seluruh bahan, kocok dengan balon kocokan agar menyatu
- Panaskan oven 350 F
- Tuang adonan ke loyang non stick, beri atasnya kisimis
- Panggang 35 menit
- Keluarkan dari oven, biarkan di loyang hingga dingin, baru lepaskan
Kue Lumpur
- 80 g bubuk kentang tumbuk baik yang ubi manis ataupun kentang tumbuk biasa
- 3/4 gelas air panas
- 1 kaleng 400 ml, santan siap pakai
- 1/3 gelas gula pasir
- 1 sdt vanila esens
- 1/2 gelas terigu
- 2 sdm margarine lelehkan
- kismis
- Campurkan seluruh bahan, kocok dengan balon kocokan agar menyatu
- Panaskan oven 350 F
- Tuang adonan ke loyang non stick, beri atasnya kisimis
- Panggang 35 menit
- Keluarkan dari oven, biarkan di loyang hingga dingin, baru lepaskan