Here is Ramadan day 8 and 9 😀
For Ramadan day 7, yesterday, I made Bubur Singkong, sweet porridge using cassava. I used the same recipe that I always use, which you can see here, so I did not want to repost haha Please click the link instead, to check it 🙂
Yesterday I was having a nostalgic moment of my oldest sister and I walking home from school, and at the end of our road, there was this household which was a home based of a traditional cake called, ongol-ongol. Our parents did not have a lot of money growing up, and whenever we passed this house the smell and the look of the cake was just intriguing, we often had to beg to our parents for small change just to be able to get this cake hahaha
I have not had this cake for ages, I kid you not. My last time was back in elementary school, when we lived near that house, seriously.
2 months or so ago, my neighbors, Nita and Lily were discussing of this, and we planned to make it together but we just didn’t find the time.
But those discussions made me wanting to make, and only yesterday I had the time to do so lol
By the way, am tagging you @allyinspirit, just in case you wanna give this a try. I do have to say, many Indonesian traditional cakes are considered “wet cake”, as they are steamed, unlike oven baked cakes 🙂 And since this is tapioca, you know the texture is soft and gooey.

- 1 bag of tapioca starch/flour, 425 g
- 1 can coconut milk, 400 ml
- 1 tbsp vegetable oil
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 1/2 c brown sugar
- 1/4 – 1/2 c sugar
- 2 screwpine leaves, knoted
- 750-800 ml water
- 1/2 bag of unsweetened desiccated coconut
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 2-4 tbsp water
How To
- Preheat your steamer and a mold (you can lay a banana leaf on the bottom of the inside mold, for easier release)
- Bring water, sugar and screwpine leaf to boil
- Meanwhile, mix flour, coconut milk, oil, and extract in a bowl
- Once sugar syrup is ready, pour while still hot, a ladle at time into the bowl of flour
- Stir to combine well, no lumps
- Steam for 1 hour and 15 minutes
- Take out from steamer, let cool to room temperature
- Meanwhile, place coconut in a bowl, mixed with salt
- Moistened coconut with water, cover with cling wrap, poke a couple of holes
- Microwave for 1 minute

- Dump cake on a cutting board, wrap your knife with cling wrap so it won’t stick when slicing
- Slice into portions, then roll in coconut
- Serve and enjoy 😀
Thanks for looking!
- 1 bag of tapioca starch/flour 425 g
- 1 can coconut milk 400 ml
- 1 tbsp vegetable oil
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 1/2 c brown sugar
- 1/4 – 1/2 c sugar
- 2 screwpine leaves knoted
- 750-800 ml water
- 1/2 bag of unsweetened desiccated coconut
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 2-4 tbsp water
- Preheat your steamer and a mold (you can lay a banana leaf on the bottom of the inside mold, for easier release)
- Bring water, sugar and screwpine leaf to boil
- Meanwhile, mix flour, coconut milk, oil, and extract in a bowl
- Once sugar syrup is ready, pour while still hot, a ladle at time into the bowl of flour
- Stir to combine well, no lumps
- Steam for 1 hour and 15 minutes
- Take out from steamer, let cool to room temperature
- Meanwhile, place coconut in a bowl, mixed with salt
- Moistened coconut with water, cover with cling wrap, poke a couple of holes
- Microwave for 1 minute
- Dump cake on a cutting board, wrap your knife with cling wrap so it won’t stick when slicing
- Slice into portions, then roll in coconut
- Serve and enjoy 😀

Hai Teman,
Gimana nih puasa kalian sejauh ini. Dah hari ke-10 aja disana yak, semoga lancar terus.
Kemarin aku buat kue ongol-ongol. Kalian tau ga kue ini?
Aslinya dari sagu, tapi banyak juga yang pakai tapioka, terus ada juga yang pakai tepung hunkwe atau bahkan pakai singkong.
Kakak perempuanku yang sulung serta aku, cinta banget sama ongol-ongol, tapi masya Allah, terakhir aku makan nih yah jaman SD, lama bener deh pokoknya hahahaha
2 bulanan yang lalu tuh si Nita dan Lily pada ngomongin ongol-ongol, rencananya mau buat barengan, tapi ga sempat mulu kami.
Eh kemarin aku kepikiran ongol-ongol, ngiler. Puasa ngiler boleh ga hhahahaha
Jadilah aku bikin kemarin dan kirim-kirim ke rumahnya Nita dan Lily 😀
- 425 g tepung tapioka
- 400 ml santan kalengan siap pakai
- 1 sdm minyak goreng
- 1 sdt vanila esens
- 750 – 800 ml air
- 1 1/2 gelas gula merah
- 1/4 – 1/2 gelas gula pasir
- 2 daun pandan, ikat simpul
- 1/2 bungkus, kelapa parut kering siap pakai
- 1/2 sdt garam
- 2- 4 sdm air
Cara Membuat
- Panaskan kukusan serta loyang
- Campurkan air, gula, daun pandan, rebus
- Campur tapioka, minyak, santan kalengan, serta esens
- Saat air gula sudah mendidih, tuang sedikit demi sedikit ke dalam tapioka, aduk hingga lembut, tanpa gumpalan
- Tuang pada loyang yang sudah dipanaskan, kukus selama sejam dan 15 menit
- Angkat, dinginkan suhu ruangan
- Taruh kelapa parut siap pakai kedalam wadah tahan panas, beri garam dan air
- Tutup atasnya dengan plastik pembungkus, beri tusukan sana sini
- Microwave selama 1 menit
- Lapisi pisau dengan plastik biar mudah pas mengiris
- Keluarkan kue dari loyang, iris, lalu gulingkan ke kelapa
- Jadi deh 😀
- 425 g tepung tapioka
- 400 ml santan kalengan siap pakai
- 1 sdm minyak goreng
- 1 sdt vanila esens
- 750 – 800 ml air
- 1 1/2 gelas gula merah
- 1/4 – 1/2 gelas gula pasir
- 2 daun pandan ikat simpul
- 1/2 bungkus kelapa parut kering siap pakai
- 1/2 sdt garam
- 2- 4 sdm air
- Panaskan kukusan serta loyang
- Campurkan air, gula, daun pandan, rebus
- Campur tapioka, minyak, santan kalengan, serta esens
- Saat air gula sudah mendidih, tuang sedikit demi sedikit ke dalam tapioka, aduk hingga lembut, tanpa gumpalan
- Tuang pada loyang yang sudah dipanaskan, kukus selama sejam dan 15 menit
- Angkat, dinginkan suhu ruangan
- Taruh kelapa parut siap pakai kedalam wadah tahan panas, beri garam dan air
- Tutup atasnya dengan plastik pembungkus, beri tusukan sana sini
- Microwave selama 1 menit
- Lapisi pisau dengan plastik biar mudah pas mengiris
- Keluarkan kue dari loyang, iris, lalu gulingkan ke kelapa