Hi Friends,
I would like to wish Ramadan Kareem to Steemians who are doing the fasting month ๐
Last year I had a month long project for Ramadan, where I would give votes to whoever wished to use #ramadan-tkf on their posting that were related to Ramadan. I saw last week, even 10 months ago, long after Ramadan was over, people were still using that tag, but I had stopped voting, because that tag was only for Ramadan haha Now that Ramadan has started again, I have been checking since yesterday, nobody seemed to use it so far, but if you want to, go ahead, I will be happy sharing a little vote to whatever you post as long as they are related to Ramadan ๐
For Day 1 of Ramadan, yesterday I had this sweet dessert from East Kalimantan, and it is called Pisang Gapit. It is grilled banana which then sliced into pieces and served with palm sugar syrup. Soooo good.

Come check out the recipe ๐
Pisang Gapit
- ripe saba bananas, you can find them at Filipino store, you just have to microwave them
- 1 can of coconut milk, 400 ml
- 2 screwpine leaves, tied in knot
- 1 c packed brown sugar
- 2 1/2 tbsp corn starch dissolved in 2 tbsp water
How To
- Make the sauce first by bringing to boil sugar, milk, screwpine leaves and salt
- Then stir in corn starch solution, boil til thickened
- Grill bananas then slice into portion
- Drench bananas in sauce, serve immediately

Seriously yummo, I know I am biased, but who does not like grilled goodies, right?
Thanks for looking, I will see you tomorrow again!
Pisang Gapit
- ripe saba bananas you can find them at Filipino store, you just have to microwave them
- 1 can of coconut milk 400 ml
- 2 screwpine leaves tied in knot
- 1 c packed brown sugar
- 2 1/2 tbsp corn starch dissolved in 2 tbsp water
- Make the sauce first by bringing to boil sugar, milk, screwpine leaves and salt
- Then stir in corn starch solution, boil til thickened
- Grill bananas then slice into portion
- Drench bananas in sauce, serve immediately

Hai Teman!
Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa yak!
Gimana nih hari ke-2 kalian?
Seperti tahun sebelumnya pada saat Ramadhan, silahkan gunakan tagar #ramadan-tkf, nanti aku kunjungi dan beri sedikit vote ๐
Teman boleh unggah tentang apapun, asalkan berkaitan dengan Ramadhan yak. Boleh ngabuburit, takjil, kegiatan selama puasa, dll. Kutungguuuuuuuu.
Kemarin hari 1, aku berbuka dengan makanan enak khas Kalimantan Timur nih, namanya Pisang Gapit.
Pisangnya sih di bakar, terus dipotong-potong (biasanya dengan gunting), dan disajikan dengan saus gula merah yang agak kental.
Jos banget deh pokoknya ๐
Nih yah cara buatnya ๐
Pisang Gapit
- Pisang kepok yang matang tapi ga benyek
- 1 kaleng santan kental, 400 ml
- 1 gelas gula merah
- garam sejumput
- 2 daun pandan, ikat simpul
- 2 1/2 sdm maizena, larutkan dalam 2 sdm air
Cara Membuat
- Didihkan santan, gula, garam, daun pandan
- Masukkan larutan maizena, masak hingga kental
- Panggang pisang diatas bara api hingga kecoklatan
- Potong-potong pisang dan siram dengan sausnya, sajikan segera
Dijamin enak deh, meski sederhana hehe
Pisang Gapit
- Pisang kepok yang matang tapi ga benyek
- 1 kaleng santan kental 400 ml
- 1 gelas gula merah
- garam sejumput
- 2 daun pandan ikat simpul
- 2 1/2 sdm maizena larutkan dalam 2 sdm air
- Didihkan santan, gula, garam, daun pandan
- Masukkan larutan maizena, masak hingga kental
- Panggang pisang diatas bara api hingga kecoklatan
- Potong-potong pisang dan siram dengan sausnya, sajikan segera