This Momma is So Old
Next year this household will be celebrating a young’un double digits, yikes! Time really flies for sure.
We celebrated my oldest’s 9th birthday last weekend and he cannot wait to be 10 already 🙁
He cannot wait to be a teen, cannot wait for them braces, acne, hairy body and all hahahaha
This year he wanted a Vault Boy character on his cake, a mascot character from Fallout, a video-game.

Another birthday that made me glad that I did not have to prepare a complicated cake. It seems the older they get, they understand the many hours the momma would have spent should they ask a rather hard cake to make, and in their words, they’d rather spend the time with me. Aawwww, my heart hahaha
But yeah, seriously, this was was super easy, less than 3 H, all done. Just had to wait the cakes to cool, then prepared the cream, the ganache, and a short time drawing the character. Phew.
We had chocolate cake with chocolate spread filling and peppermint buttercream, which then topped with dark chocolate ganache. In a way or two, taking the inspiration from grasshopper pie/cake.

But my gosh, he is only 9 and he is so savage already. Look what he did to his cake as soon as it was placed on the table right in front of him, for candle blowing hahahahhaah
I wonder what he would do next year then!

Thanks for looking you guys. Hope your Monday was superb!