Hi There ๐
Those with multiple accounts on multiple medias, how do you manage them?
I try not to post the same thing on Steemit and other sites, and I have to be honest, I cannot keep up with myself hahahaha When I have spent a couple of hours sitting and typing here on Steemit, that is it, I got tired sitting, and will not update my Whaleshare, for example, vice versa lol So since I am also on Instagram and a couple others, when time spent on one of those sites, it (can also) means no new posts on either of my Steemit or Whaleshare, etc. lol
I have a Korean Bulgogi recipe to share today, but meatless obviously.
You can serve this bulgogi with warm rice or as is, or even serve it with burger buns.
Here is the recipe should you like to try!

– 3 1/2 c soy curls, soaked in hot boiling water, 5 mins, drain, squeeze
– 6 tbsp soy sauce
– 3-4 tbsp brown sugar
– 2 tbsp rice vinegar
– 1/2 of a large apple, grate
– 1 1/2 tsp garlic powder
– 1/2 tsp onion powder
– 1/2 tsp ginger powder
– Marinade re dehydrated soy curls
– Mix in 1-2 tsp sesame oil, set aside
– Cube 3-4 large potatoes, fry, set aside
– 1 small onion, caramelized, set aside
– Heat 3 tbsp oil, brown marinated soy curls, add a generous pinch of white pepper powder
– Stir in fried potatoes and caramelized onion plus 2 paprika that’s already slice into strips
– Cook covered 5-8 mins

Oseng-Oseng Bumbu Korea
Hai Teman!
Waktunya berakhir pekan. Senang deh yah. Gimana kabar kalian? Sehat semua semoga yah ๐
Hari ini mau berbagi resep bulgogi, tau kan? Masakan dari Korea.
Aslinya mereka memakai daging sapi ataupun babi. Lalu banyak yang mulai bikin pakai ayam. Semua daging enak deh. Namun, punya berikut ini menggunakan daging KEDELAI ๐
Bulgogi enak banget dimakan dengan nasi hangat, teman. Atau kalau mau tuh, disajikan memakan roti ala burger gitu, jadi sandwich dah hehehe
Nih resepnya yak
– 3 1/2 gelas daging kedelai yang strips (soy curls), rendam dalam air panas 5 menit, tiriskan, remas-remas
Saus Rendaman
– 6 sdm kecap asin yang low sodium/rendah garam
– 3-4 sdm gula merah/gula palem/gula biasa juga boleh
– 2 sdm cuka beras (yang untuk bikin nasi sushi)
– 1/2 apel manis, parut
– 1 1/2 sdt bawang putih bubuk
– 1/2 sdt bawang bubuk (onion powder)
– 1/2 sdt jahe bubuk
– Masukkan daging kedelai ke rendaman, aduk
– Beri 1-2 sdt minyak wijen, aduk, sisihkan
– Potong dadu 3-4 kentang ukuran besar, goreng, sisihkan
– Iris 1 bawang bombay kecil, goreng dengan 2 sdm minyak hingga lunak, sisihkan
– Panaskan 3 sdm minyak, oseng-oseng daging kedelai, dan beri sejumput merica bubuk
– Masukkan potongan 2 paprika kuning beserta kentang dan bawang bombay
– Tutup wajan dan masak 5 menit
Nih yah kalau mau tengok cara aku masaknya ๐ Di video di bawah ๐
Korean Bulgogi Soy Curls
- 3 1/2 c soy curls soaked in hot boiling water, 5 mins, drain, squeeze
- 6 tbsp soy sauce
- 3-4 tbsp brown sugar
- 2 tbsp rice vinegar
- 1/2 of a large apple grate
- 1 1/2 tsp garlic powder
- 1/2 tsp onion powder
- 1/2 tsp ginger powder
- Marinade re dehydrated soy curls
- Mix in 1-2 tsp sesame oil, set aside
- Cube 3-4 large potatoes, fry,s et aside
- 1 small onion, caramelized, set aside
- Heat 3 tbsp oil, brown marinated soy curls, add a generous pinch of white pepper powder
- Stir in fried potatoes and caramelized onion plus 2 paprika that's already slice into strips
- Cook covered 5-8 mins