Raise your hands if you are too excited for Christmas, you cannot hide it! π
And also raise your hands if you are excited as well, to see Bitcoins price is going up at last π
How’s the Christmas shopping going? All done? Cool! If not, you still have time, and if you are also still thinking what sweets to serve for the party, give these almond chocolate truffles of mine a try and see if you they are good enough for your party π

For all my candy making at this end of the year are all recorded instead pictured, including these truffles, so please check the video for the steps π
Here is the recipe should you like to give a try as well π
– 1/4 c sugar
– 1/2 c evaporated coconut milk
– 1 3/4 c DF chocolate chips
– 1-2 tsp almond essence (2 tsp is strong flavor, which I prefer)
I rolled the truffles either in almond flour, OR a mixture of almond flour with 1-2 tbsp hemp and 1-2 tbsp cocoa powder, as variation. You can roll them in toasted almond, slivered almond, even just cocoa powder or icing sugar, whichever you feel like π

Thanks for looking and I will try to see you guys tomorrow again π Getting tooooo busy here π
Almond Chocolate Truffles
- 1/4 c sugar
- 1/2 c evaporated coconut milk
- 1 3/4 c DF chocolate chips
- 1-2 tsp almond essence 2 tsp is strong flavor, which I prefer
- Dissolve sugar in milk, bring to boil
- Add in essence
- Pour into choc chips, make ganache, let set
- Scoop and shape into balls
- Roll on your favorite additions!

Bola-Bola Cokelat
Bangun tidur tadi lihat berita kalau ternyata Bitcoin mulai menunjukkan kenaikan, meski tak banyak, namun tembus $4000, lumayan hahahhaha π
Semogaaaaa naik terus, karena jatuh bangunnya duit digital sejauh ini selalu mengikuti naik turunnya Bitcoin, euy.
Pagi ini aku mau berbagi resep untuk membuat bola-bola cokelat, yang di luar negeri disebut dengan truffle – jangan salah dengan truffle yang merupakan jamur yah hihihihi Yang ini murah meriah, semua kalangan bisa merasakan. Kalau jamur truffle, khusus bos-bos Bitcoin aja deh hahahha
Seperti permen lainnya, resep berikut inipun aku ga ada foto-foto untuk langkah-langkah membuatnya, namun aku rekam, biar ga ribet wkwkwkw
Silahkan ditengok videonya untuk lebih jelasnya yak!
Nih bahan-bahannya, mudah didapat π
– 1/4 gelas gula pasir
– 1/2 gelas susu evaporated (boleh cair biasa)
– 1 3/4 gelas cokelat chips
– 2 sdt esens kacang almond
Bola-bola cokelat ini kugulingkan di bubuk almond, serta juga bubuk almond yang kucampur dengan bubuk cokelat sertaΒ hemp. Teman boleh menggulingkan di toping kesukaan teman lainnya yah, misalnya cacahan kacang, gula bubuk, cokelat bubuk, atau meises bahkan π