I am not liking the view from my window at the moment. Outside all is white, it snowed overnight and still snowing, boo-hoo. We will be heading out of town tomorrow, long week-end for us, but this snowing, aaarrrgggggh!!! Crossing fingers the weather prediction would be correct, that it won’t snow as hard tomorrow.
Anyways. A quicky post before I have to go out and shovel the snow so we can go to school -.-
I have a candy recipe to share today ๐
They are like Bounty bars, but with a hint of peppermint ๐ I love this combo of coconut, mint, chocolate, YUMMO!

But again, just like my 2 previous recipes, I did not take step-by-step pictures but videos, hope you don’t mind! I will resume pictures-taking when Holidays over and I can breath better lol
My “Bounty” is vegan by the way, and before anyone asks, no, you cannot substitute the coconut, because, that is the main ingredient ๐
These candies are among the goodies I packed to gift-away (which many already delivered to the recipients :D)

Here is the recipe, and do check the video to see how I made these coconut babies ๐
– 1 tin coconut condensed milk
– A couple drops of peppermint extract
– 1 c desiccated coconut
– Mix, drop by a cookie scoop, chill to harden 20 mins
– Melt 1 1/3 c DF choc chips on double boiler
– Stir in 1/2 tsp each vegan margarine and vegetable oil
– Dip and coat coconut balls in melted chocolate
– Chill to harden 20 mins
Thanks for looking and hopefully I see you tomorrow again ๐
Pepperminty Coconut Balls
- 1 tin coconut condensed milk
- A couple drops of peppermint extract
- 1 c desiccated coconut
- Mix, drop by a cookie scoop, chill to harden 20 mins
- Melt 1 1/3 c DF choc chips on double boiler
- Stir in 1/2 tsp each vegan margarine and vegetable oil
- Dip and coat coconut balls in melted chocolate
- Chill to harden 20 mins

Bola-Bola Kelapa
Pagi/Malam Teman!
Setelah semingguan lebih cukup senang dengan cuaca yang agak mendingan, laaaah semalam turun salju lumayan deras dan bahkan hingga detik ini masih turun, haiyah ๐
Ga serunya nih kalau hari sekolah. Kudu gali-gali, bersih-bersih salju, depan rumah, mobil, dll, agar bisa berangkat sekolah, capeeeeeek, keringetan, kedinginan, temenan ama jahe mulu dah wakakakkaka
Besok padahal kami mau ke luar kota hingga Senin. Dah seneng aja mau belanja-belanji hahahhaha Ternyata, kudu hati-hati deh besok. Susahnya kalau salju mulu, disamping jalanan ribet, kemampuan pandang pun susah euy, bahaya kalau mau nyetir, gelap.
Anyway busway Jakarta yang sumpek ๐ Hari ini aku mau berbagi resep buat bikin bola-bola kelapa yang mirip dengan cokelat Bounty, ada kan di Indonesia?
Kalau di Indonesia, parcel laris manis setiap Lebaran dan Natalan, di luar negeri seringnya hantaran olahan rumah sebagai “parcel” mereka. Ada juga sih yang ngirim parcel segede-gede gajah seperti di Indonesia, namun harganya-pun melambung segede gajah wkwkwkwk
Ini nih resepnya kalau mau buat juga yak ๐
– 1 kaleng SKM
– beberapa tetes esens peppermint
– Kelapa parut kering siap pakai, 1 gelas penuh
– Campurkan, buat bola-bola, masukkan kulkas/lemari pendingin, bukan lemari es, 20 menit
– Lelehkan 1 1/3 gelas cokelat chips
– Beri masing-masing 1/2 sdt margarine dan minyak goreng, aduk
– Celup bola-bola kelapa di cokelat leleh, masukkan kembali ke kulkas 20 menit, jadi deh ๐