Hi Friends!
I am sick but I cannot really be sick. Ugh.
That is the downside of being a parent, I guess? Since you have littles to take care, you cannot really be sick because those laundry, dishes, dinner on table are not magically done by themselves. There really isn’t a fairy in real life, is there? lol Wait…there is….they area called a house keeper, but unfortunately I cannot afford one ๐
Today I have another Halloweenie posting, holy moly, time flies. It will be here soon! I thought I would be posting DAILY on Halloween topic but seriously, damn real life often takes away my precious Steemit life….like you know, being sick and whatnot -.-
Anyways, today I have pumpkin buns, yum! I decorated them as Jack O’ Lantern. Am sending them to a contest on Steemit and also instructable ๐

My pumpkin buns have two different fillings, some with speculoos or cookie butter, and some with chocolate chips

These pumpkin buns would make great dinner rolls as well when they are not filled with sweets ๐
Here is the recipe if you’d like to try ๐
– 3/4 c lukewarm nut milk
– 1/2 cup sugar
1 teaspoon active dry yeast
– 3/4 cup packed pumpkin purรฉe
– 1/4 cup vegetable oil
– 1/2 tsp each cinnamon powder and all spice powder
– 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
– A pinch of Himalayan salt
– 3 1/4 cups flour
– pecans
– df chocolate chips
– Speculoos (cookie butter, watch the ingredients, some brand use dairy)
– Stir sugar into milk, sprinkle with yeast, stir, let stand until bubbly, 5 mins
– Heat pumpkin 30 seconds in microwave
– Mix dry ingredients in a bowl, make a well in center, pour in yeast, pumpkin, oil and vanilla, knead
– Cover and rets for 1 H

– Punch down dough and divide into 10-12 balls
– Flatten each and fill either with speculoos or chocolate chips, seam to seal

– Tie twine on the buns, shaping buns into pumpkin
– Let rest buns for 15 mins then bake on preheated convection oven 350 F for 18 mins
– Push in pecan and serve warm or at room temperature

For chocolate filling, I decorated the buns with melted chocolate chips, while for speculoos ones, I used edible pen ๐
Jack O’ Lantern Buns
- 3/4 c lukewarm milk
- 1/2 c sugar
- 1 tsp active dry yeast
- 3/4 c packed pumpkin purรฉe
- 1/4 c vegetable oil
- 1/2 tsp each cinnamon powder and all spice powder
- 1 tsp vanilla essence
- A pinch of salt
- 3 1/4 c AP flour
- pecans as needed, for pumpkin stems (or pretzels or even chocolate chips)
- chocolate chips as needed (for filling – you can use chocolate bars or even chocolate spreads)
- cookie butter I got mine from Walmart, but No Frills also has some
- Let bloom yeast in sugary milk, 5 mins
- Heat pumpkin puree for 30 seconds in microwave
- Mix flour, spices, and salt in a bowl, pour in bloomed yeast, pumpkin puree, cooking oil and vanilla essence, knead
- Cover dough and let rest for an hour
- Punch down dough and divide into 10-12 balls
- Flatten each and fill either with cookie butter or chocolate chips, seam to seal
- Tie twine on the buns, shaping buns into pumpkin
- Let rest buns for 15 mins then bake on preheated convection oven 350 F for 18 mins
- Push in pecan and serve warm or at room temperature
- Once buns are cooled enough to touch, melt some chocolate chips and pour it into piping bag
- Pipe Jack O’ Lantern on buns or for easier, use edible pen such as from Walmart

Roti Labu Kuning (Untuk Halloween)
Hai Teman!
Pa kabarnya hari ini? Aku sukses demam dan meriang sehari semalam. Susah deh kalau dah satu aja sakit dirumah, pasti merembet kesemua anggota keluarga wkwkwk Padahal kalau ibu yang sakit, ribet banget kan, siapa yang ngurusin rumah, dapur, dan anak-anak kecilku ini. Kalau kepala keluarga yang sakit, wadao, deg-deg-an kalau kelamaan sakit bisa good-by my love sama bos di kantor. Pokoknya siapapun sakit, apalagi anak-anak, susah hati, susah pikiran, iya kan?
Hari ini agak mendingan, dan untuk mengeluarkan sedikit keringat, bikin roti lah aku haha
Gilas adonan kan menguras tenaga tuh, apalagi disebelah oven panas, toooop deh, keringatan, sehat-sehat-sehat.
Roti berikut ini merupakan roti labu kuning dan kuhias ala Jack O’ Lantern, karakter khusus buat Halloween karena aku ikutsertakan buat kontes Halloween di Steemit dan juga instructable nih ๐
Roti labu ini ku beri dua macam isian, yang satu isinya cokelat dan yang satu lagi isinya selai lapis legit
Nih yah resepnya ๐
– 3/4 c susu cair hangat kuku
– 1/2 gelas gula pasir
1 sdt ragi butiran
– 3/4 gelas labu kuning yang dilumatkan, siap pakai
– 1/4 gelas minyak goreng
– 1/2 sdt lapis legit bubuk dan kayu manis bubuk
– 1 sdt perisa vanila
– sejumput garam
– 3 1/4 gelas terigu
– kacang pecans
– cokelat keping secukupnya
– selai lapis legit, siap pakai
– Campur gula kedalam susu, beri ragi, diamkan hingga mengembang
– Campur bahan lainnya, masukkan labu kuning, minyak, ragi, serta perisa vanila, uleni
– Diamkan 1 jam hingga mengembang
– Kempeskan adonan, bagi menjadi 12 bulatan
– Gilas satu per satu, isi dengan selai lapis legit ataupun cokelat keping, bulatkan kembali
– Ikat dengan tali membentuk labu
– Diamkan 15 menit kemudian panggang pada oven yang sudah dipanaskan terlebih dahulu 350 F selama 18 menit
– Beri kacang pecan sebagai batang atas, sajikan ๐