Happy Saturday!
Wanted to post this yesterday but we were out most of the day at a friend’s house and when we returned home I was too tired to sit down and blog.
But seriously, come eat some cockroaches with me ๐
Well, unless you don’t like chocolate!
Sending these edible cockroaches to Halloween contest on Steemit and Instructables!

My cockroaches are actually buns filled with Kahlua cream, topped with chocolate syrup and decorated with chocolate sprinkles, chocolate antennas and legs, plus caramel candies

Here is the recipe if you are interested in making as well!
- 1/2 tbsp flax soaked in 1 tbsp water, set aside
- 1/2 tbsp active dry yeast, stirred into 125 ml lukewarm DF milk with 1 tbsp sugar added, set aside to bloom
- 250 g flour mixed with 30 g icing sugar and and generous pinch of Himalayan salt, mixed in a bowl
- 80 g vegan margarine, melted
- DF chocolate syrup (such as no brand or Hershey’s)
- vegan caramel candies, I got mine from healthfood store, brandless, but if you’d like to make your own, I shared the recipe before!

How To
- Mix in yeast and flax meal into flour mixture, stir with wooden spoon, then add in melted margarine, knead.
- Let rest, covered, for 30 mins, until doubled in size. Punch down and cut with oval cookie cutter.
- Make 2 horizontal slices as pictured, let rest for another 30 mins, then bake at preheated 350 F for 15-18 mins. Cool on rack.

Kahlua Cream
- 1 c DF milk (cashew is best)
- 2 tsp Kahlua
- 1 tsp vanilla essence
- 1/4 c flour, dilluted in a little milk
- 1/8 c cornstarch, diluted in a little milk
How To
- Mix everything and bring to boil in medium high temp, til thicken
- Let slightly cool to room temperature, fill into piping bag
- Pipe into buns
Pour chocolate syrup on buns and chill for 20 mins in the fridge

Meanwhile, melt some DF chocolate chips and pipe antennes and legs on parchment paper, chill til harden in the fridge
Once buns and antennes are ready, roll flat a little caramel candy and cut into strips.
Attach these strips onto buns along with harden antennas and legs and your roaches are done!
Edible Cockroach
- 1/2 tbsp flax soaked in 1 tbsp water set aside
- 1/2 tbsp active dry yeast stirred into 125 ml lukewarm DF milk with 1 tbsp sugar added, set aside to bloom
- 250 g flour mixed with 30 g icing sugar and and generous pinch of Himalayan salt mixed in a bowl
- 80 g vegan margarine melted
- DF chocolate syrup such as no brand or Hershey’s
- vegan caramel candies
- 1 c DF milk cashew is best
- 2 tsp Kahlua
- 1 tsp vanilla essence
- 1/4 c flour diluted in a little milk
- 1/8 c cornstarch diluted in a little milk
- Mix in yeast and flax meal into flour mixture, stir with wooden spoon, then add in melted margarine, knead.
- Let rest, covered, for 30 mins, until doubled in size. Punch down and cut with oval cookie cutter.
- Make 2 horizontal slices as pictured, let rest for another 30 mins, then bake at preheated 350 F for 15-18 mins. Cool on rack.
- Mix everything and bring to boil in medium high temp, til thicken
- Let slightly cool to room temperature, fill into piping bag
- Pipe into buns
Making Roaches
- Pour chocolate syrup on buns and chill for 20 mins in the fridge
- Meanwhile, melt some DF chocolate chips and pipe antennas and legs on parchment paper, chill til harden in the fridge
- Once buns and antennas are ready, roll flat a little caramel candy and cut into strips.
- Attach these strips onto buns along with harden antennas and legs and your roaches are done!

Makan Kecoak Yuuuukkk ๐
Hai Teman!
Beneran nih, yuk makan kecoak, rasanya manis deh, dijamin wkwkwkw
Tadinya mau blog ini kemarin, tapi kami bertandang ke rumah teman seharian. Sampai rumah dah mulai petang, capek mau duduk untuk ngeblog.
Nih para kecoak/coro aku ikut sertakan untuk kontes Halloween
Nih resepnya kalau mau ikutan bikin juga ๐
– 1/2 sdt biji rami halus, campur dengan 1 sdm air, sisihkan hingga mengental
– 1/2 sdm ragi butiran, campurkan dengan 125 ml susu hangat-hangat kuku dengan 1 sdm gula pasir, sisihkan hingga mengembang
– 250 g terigu dicampur dengan 30 g gula bubuk dan sejumput garam
– 80 g margarin, lelehkan
– Sirup cokelat siap pakai, secukupnya
– Permen karamel, secukupnya (aku siap pakai, kalau mau buat sendiri, resepnya dah pernah kubagi yak!)
Campurkan biji rami kental serta ragi yang sudah mengembang kedalam terigu, aduk dengan sendok kayu. Tuangkan margarin leleh, uleni
– Tutup dengan kain bersih, diamkan hingga mengembang 30 menit. Cetak dengan cetakan kue kering bentuk oval.
– Iris bagian atas seperti di foto, diamkan kembali 30 menit, lalu panggang di oven yang sudah dipanaskan terlebih dahulu 350 F, selamat 15-18 menit. Dinginkan di rak kawat
Bahan Isi
– 1 gelas susu cair
– 2 sdt Kahlua
– 1 sdt perisa vanila
– 1/4 gelas terigu, larutkan dengan sedikit susu
– 1/8 gelas tepung maizena, larutkan dengan sedikit susu
Cara Membuat
– Campurkan dalam panci dan masak api sedang, hingga mengental
– Setelah agak dingin, masukkan pada plastik segitiga, gunting ujungnya dan semprotkan ke tengah roti
Tutup roti dengan sirup cokelat dan dinginkan di kulkas 20 menit
Sementara itu, lelehkan cokelat dan buat hiasan seperti kaki dan antena buat kecoak. Masukkan ke kulkas biar cepat keras.
Kalau roti dan antena sudah selesai didinginkan, gilas sedikit permen karamel dan iris panjang-panjang seperti foto.
Taruhkan irisan permen karamel di roti dan tusukkan antena. Jadi deh ๐