Hello, Hello, Hello 🙂
We are having a very sunny yet super windy day (again). What a nice week-end here, am so enjoying the view from my window at the moment am typing, listening to my son’s Minecraft song in the background, and the witches skeleton knocking every seconds on our door hahahah
I hope you have been well, friends!
I won’t be blogging long, I guess, but what is long right when I blog bilingually. Always spending a good 2-3 H sitting, compiling words which am not so good about hahaha
Here is a pumpkin pie recipe that we had for Thanksgiving a couple of weeks ago. Yes, us Canadians do have early Thanksgiving compare to the Americans, in case you are wondering 🙂

– 1 1/2 c flour
– 1/3 c sugar
– a pinch of salt
– 1/2 c vegetable oil
– 4-5 tbsp cold ice water
– Mix everything, knead, roll flat and place on pie plate. Poke holes everywhere with fork, set aside.

-425 ml pumpkin puree
– 400 ml full-fat coconut milk
– 1/4 c old fashioned rolled oats
– 2 tbsp flax meal
– 1 1/2 tbsp cornstarch
– 1/4 c coconut palm sugar + 1/4 c sugar
– a pinch of salt
– 1 tsp vanilla essence
– 1 tsp each allspice powder, cinnamon powder and 1/4 tsp nutmeg powder
– Blender everything until combined well, pour onto crust. Bake on preheated 400 F convection oven for 18-20 mins. Let cool to room temperature, chill for a couple of hours before serving.
Thanks for looking you guys and enjoy the weekend! 😀
Pumpkin Pie
- 1 1/2 c flour
- 1/3 c sugar
- a pinch of salt
- 1/2 c vegetable oil
- 4-5 tbsp cold ice water
- 425 ml pumpkin puree
- 400 ml full-fat coconut milk
- 1/4 c old fashioned rolled oats
- 2 tbsp flax meal
- 1 1/2 tbsp cornstarch
- 1/4 c coconut palm sugar + 1/4 c sugar
- a pinch of salt
- 1 tsp vanilla essence
- 1 tsp each allspice powder cinnamon powder and 1/4 tsp nutmeg powder
- Mix everything, knead, roll flat and place on pie plate. Poke holes everywhere with fork, set aside.
- Blender everything until combined well, pour onto crust. Bake on preheated 400 F convection oven for 18-20 mins. Let cool to room temperature, chill for a couple of hours before serving.

Pumpkin Labu Kuning
Hai Temans!
Aku sepertinya mulai ketularan sakitnya anak-anak, jadi agak males keliling, maunya berebah mulu, jadi kalau aku belum muncul di blog kalian, harap maklum yak, agak letoy, euy wkwkwk
Disini hari ini cerah banget meski lagi-lagi angin ribut, sampai-sampai tuh yah, segala dekorasi Halloween di depan rumah terbang entah kemana saja. Cukup capek lari-lari mengejar layangan wkwkwkw
Hari ini aku mau bagi-bagi resep pai labu kuning yang sebenarnya kubuat beberapa minggu lalu pas perayaan Thanksgiving di Kanada. Belum sempat ke upload dan baru kali ini ada waktu untuk berbagi, telat dikit ga apa-apa deh, lagian Thanksgiving di Amrik malah masih bulan November nanti.
– 1 1/2 gelas terigu
– 1/3 gelas gula
– sejumput garam
– 1/2 gelas minyak goreng
– 4-5 sdm air es
– Campur seluruh bahan, uleni, gilas dan letakkan di cetakan pai. Tusuk-tusuk dengan garpu, sisihkan
– 425 ml labu halus siap pakai (kalengan)
– 400 ml santan kental
– 1/4 gelas havermouth
– 2 sdm biji rami halus
– 1 1/2 sdm tepung maizena
– sejumput garam
– 1/4 gelas gula palem dan 1/4 gelas gula pasir
– 1 sdt esen vanila
– masing2 1 sdt kayu manis bubuk, lapis legit bubuk, serta 1/4 sdt pala bubuk
– Blender seluruh bahan, tuangkan pada kulit, panggang pada oven yang sudah di panaskan 400 F selama 18-20 menit. Dinginkan suhu ruangan sebelum dimasukkan ke kulkas. Sajikan dingin.