How is your Thanksgiving, Canadians? Bet you are not online, busy cooking, cleaning, getting ready to a gathering and whatnot
We had ours yesterday, on Sunday, so that we can relaaaaaaaxxxx and enjoy today, before returning to school/work again, tomorrow lol
On Sunday morning we drove around to friendsβs houses dropping off pumpkin pies. Normally we would have something going on in the house but this year we decided to just have dinner the four of us, so we dropped pumpkin pies to friends instead as a greeting.
I prepared two kinds of pumpkins this year, pecan pie and the obvious, pumpkin pie.
Whenever my husband went to Nashville, he would make a stop at this restaurant called Puckett, and they have pecan pie that he likes, and so this year he requested a pecan pie, but of course, my oldest not having it, he loooovveesssss pumpkin pie. So yep, two different pies on the table last night
For now, let me share you the pecan pie recipe first!

β 3/4 c roughly chopped pecans
-1 tbsp molasses
-2/4 c maple syrup
-3 tbsp water
-1 tbsp brandy, whiskey, kahlua, whichever you prefer, but if not, add another 1 tbsp water
-2 tbp cashew butter
-3 tbsp flax meal
β 1 tbsp cornstarch
-1 tsp maple essence
β a pinch of salt
β Mix everything but cornstarch in a bowl, let rest for 20 minutes
β Stir in cornstarch, and rest another 10 minutes
β 1 3/4 c AP flour
β 2 tbsp coconut palm sugar/brown sugar whichever you have
β a generous pinch of salt
β 1/3 c cooking oil
β 1/3 c cold/ice water

β Mix everything in a bowl, knead
β Roll flat and place it on pie plate
Preheat oven to 400 F, bake pie crust for 10 minutes. Lower temperature to 350 F, pour filling onto crust, and bake for 30 minutes.
You can serve hot/warm top with ice crea if you like! Itβs good either way (hot or room temperature).
Pecan Pie
- 3/4 c roughly chopped pecans
- 1 tbsp molasses
- 2/4 c maple syrup
- 3 tbsp water
- 1 tbsp brandy whiskey, kahlua, whichever you prefer, but if not, add another 1 tbsp water
- 2 tbsp cashew butter
- 3 tbsp flax meal
- 1 tbsp cornstarch
- 1 tsp maple essence
- a pinch of salt
- 1 3/4 c AP flour
- 2 tbsp coconut palm sugar/brown sugar whichever you have
- a generous pinch of salt
- 1/3 c cooking oil
- 1/3 c cold/ice water
- Mix everything but cornstarch in a bowl, let rest for 20 minutes
- Stir in cornstarch, and rest another 10 minutes
- Mix everything in a bowl, knead
- Roll flat and place it on pie plate
- Preheat oven to 400 F, bake pie crust for 10 minutes. Lower temperature to 350 F, pour filling onto crust, and bake for 30 minutes.

Pai Kacang Pecan
Hai Teman!
Aku dah beberapa hari ini agak sibuk dirumah jadi belum keliling tengok-tengok blog kalian. Semoga kalian sehat semua yak.
Disini lagi perayaan Thanksgiving, merupakan perayaan khas untuk menghargai hasil sawah, kebun, dan Musim Gugur.
Di perayaan Thanksgiving, berlimpah ruah panganan khas, seperti ayam kalkun, kentang tumbuk, sayur mayur, minuman apel yang rasanya masam manis seperti cuka masak, dan juga berlimpah kue tentunya, terutama pai, baik pai labu ataupun pai ubi jalar.
Tahun ini aku menyediakan dua macam pai, yaitu pai labu serta pai kacang pecan.
Pai kacang pecan sih bukan khas dari Kanada, melainkan khas dari daerah Selatan Amrik. Sudah 8 tahun terakhir ini, suamiku sering dikirim ke Amrik oleh kantornya, dan seringnya tugas di daerah Selatan Amrik, jadi dia jatuh hati sama tuh pai kacang pecan hahahah
Kemarin dia bilang, bikin pai kacang pecan tahun ini yuk, sesekali berbeda. Tapi anakku yang sulung teteeeeeuuuupppp deh minta pai labu, jadi aku bikin dua macam :D\
β 3/4 gelas kacang pecan cacah kasar
β 1 sdm molasses (ada ga yah di Indonesia?)
β 2/4 gelas sirup mapel
β 4 sdm air
β 2 sdm selai kacang mede
β 3 sdm biji rami halus
β 1 sdm tepung maizena
β 1 sdt esens mapel
β sejumput garam
β Campur seluruh bahan, kecuali tepung maizena, dan diamkan 20 menit
β Adukkan tepung maizena dan diamkan kembali 10 menit\
β 1 3/4 gelas terigu
β 2 sdm gula merah
β garam sejumput
β 1/3 gelas minyak goreng
β 1/3 gelas air es
β Campurkan seluruh bahan, uleni
β Gilas dan letakkan pada loyang pie
Panaskan oven 400 F, panggang kulit 10 menit, turunkan panas oven menjadi 350 F. Tuang bahan isi ke kulit, panggang 30 menit.
Di Amrik sih pai kacang pecan ini seringnya disajikan panas-panas dan diberi es krim diatasnya. Jadinya sih meleleh tentunya, dan ini bikin tambah manis painya, aku kurang suka, kalau kata orang Jawa βmbelenekβ. Dirumah kami sajikan suhu ruangan dan tanpa es krim wwkwkw
Selamat mencoba!