Just a quicky one!
An hour ago I prepared these cupcakes. My 4 yo asked for them as I was tidying up the kitchen and he spotted a jar of sprinkles. I said no, no, already 6.30 PM, bath time, and he said, no, no, not right now, it’s cupcake’s time.
So naughty
He is under the weather though. Runny nose and horrible coughs and I did not have the heart to say more no to him. So I quickly prepared super duper easy cupcakes, with sprinkles
As I did not want to serve cupcakes without topping, that would be so boring, I quicly gone through the pantry and fridge to see what I could whip up for topping.
I saw whipped coconut milk, but the boys don’t fancy it much. Then I spotted leftover sweetened condensed milk, and I thought, FUDGE BALLS!
So here it is, a quicky recipe, done in less than 40 mins

And oh, this would be my last recipe for the time being.
I will be traveling for 10 days and definitely taking time off from kitchen, starting tomorrow ๐
Anyways, here is the recipe!
Unicorn Cupcakes
– 3/4 c flour
– 1/2 c sugar
– 1/2 tsp BSoda
– a pinch of salt
– 1 tbsp dark chocolate sprinkles
– 2 tbsp vegan friendly colorful sprinkles
– 1/2 c water
– 1 tsp each vanilla essence and vinegar
– 3 tbsp vegetable oil
How To
– Preheat convection oven 350 F
– Mix dry ingredients
– Pour in wet ingredients
– Bake for 20 mins
While cupcakes are baking, prepare the fudge
The real brigadeiro, Brazilian fudge, is obviously not vegan. This is my version. If you don’t like coconut, there is soy based condensed milk available in the market, or you can prepare yourself

Brigadeiro – enough for 3 cupcakes-
– 135 g sweetened coconut condensed milk
– 2 tbsp cocoa powder
– 1/2 tbsp vegan margarine
How To
– Bring milk and cocoa powder to boil, until thickened, 5 mins
– Stir in margarine
– Let cool
– Pipe onto cupcakes and give some sprinkles (or you can make fudge balls and roll them in sprinkles, then top cupcakes with the balls if you like)
Brazilian Brigadeiro Unicorn Cupcakes
- 3/4 c flour
- 1/2 c sugar
- 1/2 tsp BSoda
- a pinch of salt
- 1 tbsp dark chocolate sprinkles
- 2 tbsp vegan friendly colorful sprinkles
- 1/2 c water
- 1 tsp each vanilla essence and vinegar
- 3 tbsp vegetable oil
- 135 g sweetened coconut condensed milk
- 2 tbsp cocoa powder
- 1/2 tbsp vegan margarine
- Preheat convection oven 350 F
- Mix dry ingredients
- Pour in wet ingredients
- Bake for 20 mins
- While cupcakes are baking, prepare the fudge
- Bring milk and cocoa powder to boil, until thickened, 5 mins
- Stir in margarine
- Let cool
- Pipe onto cupcakes and give some sprinkles (or you can make fudge balls and roll them in sprinkles, then top cupcakes with the balls if you like)

Bagi resep sebelum bobo nih judulnya
Padahal waktunya mandi, eh anakku yang bungsu kan sedang sakit, jadi rewel. Tadi merengek minta kue bolu dan HARUS SEKARANG, ga boleh besok
Karena aku ga hobi bikin kue bolu begitu doang, jadi tadi cepat-cepat lirik kanan-kiri, mikir kasih atasnya apa yah, males bikin krim mentega, euy
Eh, untung nemu susu kental manis. Ya udah deh, langsung utak-atik olah kue-nya dan juga bikin bola-bola cokelat buat ditaruh/disemprot diatas kue bolu ๐
Oia, resep yang akan aku bagikan dibawah ini, resep vegan yah, tidak menggunakan bahan/produk hewani. Kalau teman ada alergi susu dan telur, namun pingin makan kue bolu, nih resep cocok deh
Disamping mudah, cepet banget dibuat, dari awal hingga selesai di lahap, kurang dari 40 menit, beres
Oia, aku akan jalan-jalan 10 hari ke depan ini, jadiiii kalau aku ga muncul mengunjungi teman-teman, harpa maklum. Bot ku sudah diset untuk voting ke teman-teman, tapi kadang seperti yang aku bilang tempo hari, namanya juga bot, ga sempurna, kadang ada yang ga di vote tepat waktu. Kalau pas ga kecipratan kunjungan dari si bot, jangan ngambek yak wkwkwk. Aku usahakan online dari hotel, insya Allah

Kue Bolu Pelangi
– 3/4 gelas terigu
– 1/2 gelas gula pasir
– 1/2 sdt soda kue
– 1 sdm Ceres yang dark
– 2 sdm sprinkles warna-warni
– 1/2 gelas air – 3 sdm minyak goreng – 1 sdt vanila dan cuka makan
Cara Membuat
– Panaskan oven 350 F
– Campurkan bahan kering
– Masukkan bahan basah
– Panggang/Bakar selama 20 menit
Saat kue bolu sedang dipanggang, mari siapkan topingnya yuk
Boleh sih ga pakai toping, tapi kan kurang seru wkwkw
Toping sih sesuka teman yah, mau pakai krim mentega tentu boleh sekali, tapi kalau mau seperti di foto, ini dia resepnya
Bola-Bola Cokelat
– 135 g SKM
– 2 sdm cokelat bubuk
– 1/2 sdm margarin
Cara Membuat
– Masak SKM dan cokelat bubuk hingga mengental
– Masukkan margarin, masak hingga meleleh dan kembali mengental
– Dinginkan hingga bisa dipulung atau di semprotkan ke atas kue bolu
– Kasih sprinkles, jadi deh ๐