I love it when Walmart’s discounted shelve is filled with fruits and baked goods that are worth at $1 each, per bag. They are the less desireable produces and baked goods that are close to their dates of sold by and/or good until, but seriously, most of the times the produces are above decent, make me shake my head of what a waste thing to do. Walmart has this regulation of not giving away unwanted produces/baked goods, not to the employees, not to the homeless, because you know, insurance liability, supposedly.
I came home with bags and bags of fruits that my freezer, my yogurt maker, my smoothie blender and our tummies love ๐ Like, you know, 5 bags of avocado, perfectly ripe, still firm, filled my 3 Tupperware containers, none were bad at all, goddamn. 1 bag of 8 pretty lemons, which I already juiced to make lemonade. 1 bag of wowzer-large bananas, inside there were 13 of them! I’m coming for you nana nice cream….and PIE!
Speaking of pie.
Happy Fourth of July to our neighbor!
I made refreshing banana walnut cake (or more to pie) last night and (I tried to) decorated it with Lady Liberty crust — cut out.

When I made her, it was for a smaller size of pan, so in my calculation and thinking, she would be the perfect size. However, once I prepared the pie batter, I realized my pan was a tad small for my batter and I did not want to overflow, so I used bigger pan, which obviously it made my decoration not balanced in size but I was at a point of no return, already painted Lady Liberty with some food coloring, so I wasn’t able to reroll the dough ๐คฃ
Since it’s also not a round pan, it doesn’t look like a common pie anymore but rather to a cake ๐
But hey, she tasted delish and my 8 yo could guessed right away when he saw the pie that it was Statue of Liberty, that’s what matters to me โ
- 2 c graham cracker crumbs (regular)
- 2 tbsp sugar
- 3 heaping tbsp vegan margarine, melted
- 6 large ripe bananas
- 3/4 c walnut
- 1/2 c nut milk
- 2 c flour
- 2 tbsp sugar
- a generous pinch of salt
- 180 g vegetable shortening
- 1/3 c nut milk
- copper food coloring
- USA flag sprinkles (optional)
- Preheat oven 350 F
- Mix crust ingredients and pat in pie plate
- Blender filling and pour on crust
- Bake for 1 H
- Cool to room temp, chill for at least 2 H before serving

- You can sprinkle the pie, before baking, with chopped walnuts. You can also serve it topped with ice cream, YUM!
- Lady Liberty is only optional, obv. I decorated her as I had nothing better to do while waiting for my husband to come home ๐ To make her, mix all ingredients, knead, roll and cut. To bake if using Lady Liberty: bake pie for 40 mins, then up the heat to 425 F, and bake for 12-15 mins more.
Statue of Liberty Pie
Bottom Crust
- 2 c graham cracker crumbs regular
- 2 tbsp sugar
- 3 heaping tbsp vegan margarine melted
- 6 large ripe bananas
- 3/4 c walnut
- 1/2 c nut milk
Lady Liberty
- 2 c flour
- 2 tbsp sugar
- a generous pinch of salt
- 180 g vegetable shortening
- 1/3 c nut milk
- copper food coloring
- USA flag sprinkles optional
- Preheat oven 350 F
- Mix crust ingredients and pat in pie plate
- Blender filling and pour on crust
- Bake for 1 H
- Cool to room temp, chill for at least 2 H before serving

Pai Pisang
Hari ini ultahnya Amrik dan aku seperti biasa, ga ada kerjaan, jadi yah main2 sama makananku deh ๐คฃ
Aku buat kue pai rasa pisang yang ku dekor ala-ala
Maksud hati bikin painya di loyang bulat, tapi karena pisangku buesar-buesar (saking besarnya nih ceritanya ๐คฃ), adonannya jadi banyak bener dan ga bakalan bisa dimuat di loyang pai, jadi pakai loyang kue kotak deh
Nah, sebelumnya, aku dah buat hiasan ala Patung Liberty, namun ukurannya pas buat loyang bulat. Buatnya sih sebelum menyiapkan painya. Jadi dah selesai di corat-coret, baru buat adonan pai dan baru lihat kalau ukurannya jadi ga pas karena akhirnya harus memakai loyang kotak
Tau ah gelap ๐คฃโ๐คฃโ
Yang penting enak
Tapi yah benar kata nyak babe, jangan main2 sama makananmu, ayo lekas di lahap ๐ Dasar mak2 ga da kerjaan, yah gini ๐
Nih resep buat pai pisangnya, tanpa Patung Liberty (karena ga perlu di dekor juga dah mantap)
- 2 gelas remahan kue kering/biskuit
- 2 sdm gula pasir
- 3 sdm margarin/mentega, lelehkan
- 6 buah pisang matang, ukuran besar
- 3/4 gelas kacang walnut (pakai mede juga enak)
- 1/2 gelas susu cair
- Panaskan oven 350 F
- Campurkan bahan dasar, tekan-tekan di loyang
- Blender bahan pai, tuang pada dasar
- Panggang selama 1 jam
- Dinginkan suhu ruangan lalu masukkan kulkas 2 jam
- Sajikan
Jadi deh ๐ Nah karena resep diatas tidak memakai bagian Patung Liberty, silahkan beri cacahan kacang walnut sebelum dipanggang, biar tambah mantap ๐