After almost 2 week-long of rain, followed with 1 whole week of heat wave last week, we are back to another week long of heavy rain, which dropped our temperature to only 8 C! Summer was gone, Summer was back, and now suddenly it’s Winter here, wowzer. The wind gush is also terrible it shakes the house. Could be the reason of our sleepless night (it’s 3 AM here, we were up many times prior hours).
Β I have a delish strawberry-rhubarb pie recipe to share. As it was just a day afterΒ International Fairy DayΒ and I like making cute pies, I decorated it with a fairy silhouette with sparkling wings instead making it as double-crust pie π§ββοΈππ§ββοΈπ

- 2 c flour
- 2 tbsp sugar
- a pinc of salt
- 200 g vegetable shortening
- 1/3 c nut milk (add more if needed, by 1 tbsp each)
- 430 g sliced frozen rhubarb, thawed, drained
- 500 g fresh/frozen strawberries, sliced
- 1/2 tbsp lemon juice (optional)
- 3/4 c sugar
- 1 tbsp cornstarch
- 1 tbsp cornstarch dissolved in 1 tbsp water

- A little of nut milk mixed with maple syrup and coconut palm/brown sugar
- Place fruits in a pan, add juice and sugar, bring to boil. Cook until soften, stirring occasionally on medium heat.
- Stir in cornstarch, followed with cornstarch solution. Cook to thicken, take off from heat, set aside.
- Mix ingredients for crust in a bowl, knead and divide into two. Roll flat each
- Lay 1 crust dough on pie plate, pour filling, top with another crust. Make some holes/slits for air vent. Brush with “egg” wash
- Bake at preheated 400 F for 25 mins

Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie
- 2 c flour
- 2 tbsp sugar
- a pinc of salt
- 200 g vegetable shortening
- 1/3 c nut milk add more if needed, by 1 tbsp each
- 430 g sliced frozen rhubarb thawed, drained
- 500 g fresh/frozen strawberries sliced
- 1/2 tbsp lemon juice optional
- 3/4 c sugar
- 1 tbsp cornstarch
- 1 tbsp cornstarch dissolved in 1 tbsp water
Egg Wash
- A little of nut milk mixed with maple syrup and coconut palm/brown sugar
- Place fruits in a pan, add juice and sugar, bring to boil. Cook until soften, stirring occasionally on medium heat.
- Stir in cornstarch, followed with cornstarch solution. Cook to thicken, take off from heat, set aside.
- Mix ingredients for crust in a bowl, knead and divide into two. Roll flat each
- Lay 1 crust dough on pie plate, pour filling, top with another crust. Make some holes/slits for air vent. Brush with βeggβ wash
- Bake at preheated 400 F for 25 mins

Pai Buah Stroberi dan Rhubarb (Kelembak Merah)
Disini gi hujan deras disertai angin ribut, jadi pada ga enak bobonya. Resah. Ceile π€£
Kemarin bikin pai buah stroberi yang kucampur rhubarb. Di Indonesia ada ga yah rhubarb. Di Kalimantan belum pernah lihat tapi kalo ga salah di toko2 yang internasional gitu ada yang jual (di Jakarta, Bali, Surabaya), tapi jangan salah yah, rhubarb tidak sama dengan kelembak ataupun keladi.
Kalau dibuat selai maupun pai, rhubarb rasanya agak kecut2 (manis) seperti jeruk gitu. Enak deh.
Yuk dicoba resepnya kalau bisa nemu rhubarb π Oia, ini merupakan pai tertutup yah, tapi aku kemarin iseng, jadi atasnya kuhias ketimbang kututup dengan bahan kulit π

- 2 gelas terigu
- 2 sdm gula pasir
- sejumput garam
- 200 g mentega putih
- 1/3 gelas susu cair (tambahkan sedikit lagi kaau dibutuhkan)
- 430 g rhubarb yang sudah di iris-iris, boleh beku boleh segar. Kalau beku didiamkan duluagar mencair, tiriskan
- 500 g stroberi, iris-iris, boleh segar boleh beku. Kalau beku cairkan dulu, tiriskan.
- 1/2 sdm air jeruk lemon
- 3/4 gelas gula pasir
- 2 sdm maizena, larutkan dgn sedikit air
- Campurkan sedikit susu cair dengan sirup maple dan gula palem
- Masak buah2an, gula, air jeruk lemon, hingga super lunak, api sedang dan aduk sesekali. Angkat dari kompor. Sisihkan
- Panaskan oven 400 F
- Campurkan bahan kulit, uleni, bagi 2
- Gilas rata, taruh satu lapis diatas loyang pai, tuang isi, dan tutup bagian atas dengan gilasan kulit satunya
- Tusuk dengan pisau agar uap panas bisa keluar. Sapu lapisan dengan kuning “telur”
- Panggang 25 menit
Selamat mencoba π
Oia, bisa lihat ga? Sayap perinya agak berkelip ππππ