30 Days of Indonesia #24
Hi friends!
TGIF woo-hoo
I am so excited for this weekend as we will be going out of town. I cannot wait for a day when I don’t have to tuck in the bed sheet myself, you know ?
With that saying tho, it means I won’t be updating my 30 Days of Indonesia for 3 days, boo-hoo ☹ I may also skip #shoutoutsaturdays tomorrow. But hey, this momma really needs her spa ????
Since it’s getting late here, I will be quick with today’s traditional cake for Day 24 of my 30 Days of Indonesia series.
What I have here is a Javanese coconut cake called Wingko.
Hi friends!
TGIF woo-hoo ?
I am so excited for this weekend as we will be going out of town. I cannot wait for a day when I don’t have to tuck in the bed sheet myself, you know ?
With that saying tho, it means I won’t be updating my 30 Days of Indonesia for 3 days, boo-hoo ☹ I may also skip #shoutoutsaturdays tomorrow. But hey, this momma really needs her spa ????
Since it’s getting late here, I will be quick with today’s traditional cake for Day 24 of my 30 Days of Indonesia series.
What I have here is a Javanese coconut cake called Wingko.
This cake is my Mama’s favorite as this is from her place of origin, in East Java. Normally it has egg and originally baked over ember charcoal in old days.
Today’s wingko is baked in oven and the simplest style is cooked on nonstick pan on stove, just like what I did ?
- 125 glutinous rice flour
- 110 ml coconut milk (sometimes I add 125 ml), heat in microwave for 30 secs
- 50 g each unsweetened desiccated coconut and sugar
- 25 g vegan margarine, melted
- a pinch of salt
- 1 tsp vanila esens
how to
- mix everything
- drop by one small soup ladle on preheated nonstick pan over medium heat
- cover with lid, cook for 5 mins, flip over and cook for another 5 mins, covered, then flip again and another 5 mins.
That is all, so easy, so simple, yet soooo good ?
You can make a firmer result by flipping one more time and cook for another 5 mins. Some people love firmer wingko, if not, 15 mins is enough ?
- 125 glutinous rice flour
- 110 ml coconut milk sometimes I add 125 ml, heat in microwave for 30 secs
- 50 g each unsweetened desiccated coconut and sugar
- 25 g vegan margarine melted
- a pinch of salt
- 1 tsp vanilla essence
- mix everything
- drop by one small soup ladle on preheated nonstick pan over medium heat
- cover with lid, cook for 5 mins, flip over and cook for another 5 mins, covered, then flip again and another 5 mins.
Hai teman!
Untuk sementara aku bakalan ga unggah jajan pasar nih, soalnya akan keluar kota ? Meski kami selalu stay di hotel yang ada dapurnya, ga seru kan liburan masak2 di hotel ? Jadi yah, bakalan ga lengkap 29/30 resep nih ?
Seperti yang aku bilang pada resep ke 23, aku ada wingko buat hari ke 24 Ramadhan ini. Suka ga?
Mamaku dari Tuban, dan ini kue asli dari kampung beliau (Maaf Semarang, wingko aslinya bukan dari Semarang ?✌?✌). Beliau sukaaaaa banget wingko babad.
Anyways busway, ini dia caraku buat wingko ga pake ribet ?
125 g tepung beras ketan
110 ml santan (aku hangatkan sebenar 30 detik di microwave) – kadang aku kasih 125 ml, tergantung ingin agak lembek atau agak keras
50 g kelapa parut kering siap pakai
50 g gula pasir
25 g margarin, lelehkan
sejumput garam
1 sdt esens vanila
cara membuat
campurkan seluruh bahan
masa diatas teflon panas, dengan api sedang
tutup teflon dan masak setiap sisi 5 menit (balik 3-4 kali, setiap balik, 5 menit)
Jadi deh ?
- 125 g tepung beras ketan
- 110 ml santan aku hangatkan sebenar 30 detik di microwave – kadang aku kasih 125 ml, tergantung ingin agak lembek atau agak keras
- 50 g kelapa parut kering siap pakai
- 50 g gula pasir
- 25 g margarin lelehkan
- sejumput garam
- 1 sdt esens vanila
- campurkan seluruh bahan
- masa diatas teflon panas, dengan api sedang
- tutup teflon dan masak setiap sisi 5 menit (balik 3-4 kali, setiap balik, 5 menit)