30 Days of Indonesia #21 – Bolu Sakura
For Day 21 of my 30 Days of Indonesia through food, promoting Indonesia during this fasting month of Ramadhan, I made Bolu Sakura, caramel sponge cake.
This is my youngest’s favorite cake, while it’s still warm. He could have 3 of them in one sitting (the size isn’t too big, depending on your mold, mine is like half size of a regular cupcake). Yesterday as he realized I was steaming these cakelettes, as soon as I took them out of the steamer to cool, he did not want to wait. I asked him to wait at least for 5 mins (so that I could snap a picture or two), and nope, he wasn’t having that. 5 minutes was up, he grabbed the plate away from me. Did not even have time to release the cake from the mold ?

- 90 g sugar
- 175 ml, hot boiling water
- 100 g flour
- 1/4 tsp each of BPowder, BSoda, Speculaas powder (if not allspice, or mixture of cinnamon power, clove powder, and nutmeg powder)
- a pinch of salt
- cooking oil for greasing mold
- 1/2 tbsp vegan margarine, melted
how to
- turn sugar into caramel, then slowly pour in hot boiling water, set aside to cool
- mix the rest of the ingredients (but margarine) in a bowl
- preheat steamer and grease molds
- pour in syup into flour mixture, followed with melted margarine, pour into molds
- steam for 25 mins
Next time I will prepare these cakelettes when babe isn’t around so I would be able to show you how pretty these cakelettes are once unmolded. They are sooo good, soft and tasty. Give this recipe a try, you won’t regret it ?
To see previous days/recipes in this series, please scroll down after the Indonesian translation!
Bolu Sakura
- 90 g sugar
- 175 ml hot boiling water
- 100 g flour
- 1/4 tsp each of BPowder BSoda, Speculaas powder (if not allspice, or mixture of cinnamon power, clove powder, and nutmeg powder)
- a pinch of salt
- cooking oil for greasing mold
- 1/2 tbsp vegan margarine melted
- turn sugar into caramel, then slowly pour in hot boiling water, set aside to cool
- mix the rest of the ingredients (but margarine) in a bowl
- preheat steamer and grease molds
- pour in syrup into flour mixture, followed with melted margarine, pour into molds
- steam for 25 mins

Hai teman,
Bagaimana puasa hari ke 21 kemarin? Semoga lancar yah.
Aku ada Bolu Sakura untuk hari ke 21, dan Pai Susu Bali untuk hari ini yang akan ku unggah ntar malam ?
Untuk bolu sakura, fotonya ga cantik, ga sempat ngeluarin dari cetakan, dah direbutin, jadi yah ga apa2 deh tanpa foto cantik untuk kali ini ? Besok2 aku buat lagi pas pada ga kelaparan, jadi ada waktu cepret-cepret ?
90 g gula pasir
175 ml air panas
100 g terigu
masing2 1/4 sdt baking powder, soda kue, bumbu lapis legit bubuk
sejumput garam
1/2 sdm margarin, lelehkan

cara membuat
buat karame dari gula pasir, tuangkan air panas, aduk rata, dinginkan suhu ruangan
campurkan bahan lainnya kecuali margarin
panaskan kukusan dan oles cetakan dengan minyak
tuang sirup serta margarin ke tepung, aduk rata
tuang pada cetakan, kukus 25 menit
Jadi deh
Kalau anakku yang sulung, segala yang kubuat dia suka, tapi kalau yang bungsu, model kue seperti ini yang dia heboh, karena kelihatan bentuk kue ketimbang bubur dll, jadi kalau mau buat ginian kudu pas dia ga ada, biar bisa foto2 ?
Bolu Sakura
- 90 g gula pasir
- 175 ml air panas
- 100 g terigu
- masing2 1/4 sdt baking powder soda kue, bumbu lapis legit bubuk
- sejumput garam
- 1/2 sdm margarin lelehkan
- buat karamel dari gula pasir, tuangkan air panas, aduk rata, dinginkan suhu ruangan
- campurkan bahan lainnya kecuali margarin
- panaskan kukusan dan oles cetakan dengan minyak
- tuang sirup serta margarin ke tepung, aduk rata
- tuang pada cetakan, kukus 25 menit
- Jadi deh