30 Days of Indonesia #20
So, I am thinking of baking cheezecake in a day or two, but am too lazy to go to the store to grab soymilk to make my own cream cheeze. This morning I saw I have some soybeans, freshly cracked them a couple of days ago, I decided to make creamy soymilk (without straining) which later I can turn it into cream cheeze.
I used some of the creamy soymilk to make this Chinese-influenced dessert of soybean curd pudding, called Tahwa -douhua, it is served with ginger syrup, and this is for day 20 of my 30 Days of Indonesia, through traditional sweets/desserts/snacks ?
I could never produced totally white soymilk (strained or not strained), or byproducts even when it was using store bought soymilk. I wonder how in Asia it’s pretty white when mine is rather dull or yellowish (this wasn’t my first time making tahwa, and it was and still is not white), even for my homemade tofu. So odd. But people on the net, could also produce vegan boiled egg that is white, and my vegan boiled egg is always yellowish, never white, regardless almond milk, soymilk, cashew milk, if you are familiar with nut milk, they aren’t white ? So idk what to the story is ?
Anyhoo, so yeah, here is my tahwa, if you’d like to serve it with roasted peanuts, strain the milk, if not, leave it as is so you would get some nutty texture in your pudding.

- 400 ml homemade soymilk
- 1.5 gram plain agar-agar powder (for soft tahwa pudding texture, or 3 g for firmer pudding texture, which I prefer most of the time)
- 4 tbsp sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla essence (optional)
- 1 screwpine leaf, knotted (optional)
- 1 L water
- 2 tbsp coconut palm sugar and 5 tbsp sugar
- 1 lemongrass, bruised
- 65 g skinned ginger, bruised or sliced
- 1 screwpine leaf, knotted
how to
- bring syrup ingredients to boil, let simmer for 15 minutes, strain
- mix pudding ingredients in a pot, bring to boil, let cool to room temperature then chill to set
- scoop some pudding into serving bowl, serve with the syrup
Easy peasy but delicious
- 400 ml homemade soymilk
- 1.5 gram plain agar-agar powder for soft tahwa pudding texture, or 3 g for firmer pudding texture, which I prefer most of the time
- 4 tbsp sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla essence optional
- 1 screwpine leaf knotted (optional)
- 1 L water
- 2 tbsp coconut palm sugar and 5 tbsp sugar
- 1 lemongrass bruised
- 65 g skinned ginger bruised or sliced
- 1 screwpine leaf knotted
- bring syrup ingredients to boil, let simmer for 15 minutes, strain
- mix pudding ingredients in a pot, bring to boil, let cool to room temperature then chill to set
- scoop some pudding into serving bowl, serve with the syrup

Kenapa yah baik dengan susu kedelai buatan sendiri ataupun beli dari toko, apapun yang kubuat tidak bisa seputih yang di Indonesia, baik tahu buatan sendiri apalagi Tahwa, selalu deh ga putih seperti buatan orang Asia beneran ? Apa kedelai di Kanada kebanyakan bahan semprotan nyamuk kali yah ?
Biarlah tak seputih disana, yang penting masih bisa makan Tahwa ?
400 ml susu kedelai buatan sendiri
1,5 g agar-agar bubuk (kalau mau yang lembut. Kadang aku pakai 3 g)
4 sdm gula pasir
1 sdt esens vanila, kalau mau
1 helai daun pandan, ikat, kalau mau
sirup jahe
1 L air
2 sdm gula palem dan 5 sdm gula pasir
1 batang serai, memarkan
65 g jahe tanpa kulit, memarkan atau iris2
1 daun pandan, ikat

cara membuat
rebus bahan2 untuk sirup, saring
campurkan bahan2 tahwa, rebus, dinginkan hingga menjadi puding
sajikan dengan sirupnya (hangat lebih enak, tapi dingin juga ga apa2)
Gimana persiapan Lebarannya? Sudah mulai bikin kue kering? Cari2 baju baru? Ayo dong bagi2 cerita ?
- 400 ml susu kedelai buatan sendiri
- 1,5 g agar-agar bubuk kalau mau yang lembut. Kadang aku pakai 3 g
- 4 sdm gula pasir
- 1 sdt esens vanila kalau mau
- 1 helai daun pandan ikat, kalau mau
Sirup Jahe
- 1 L air
- 2 sdm gula palem dan 5 sdm gula pasir
- 1 batang serai memarkan
- 65 g jahe tanpa kulit memarkan atau iris2
- 1 daun pandan ikat
- cara membuat
- rebus bahan2 untuk sirup, saring
- campurkan bahan2 tahwa, rebus, dinginkan hingga menjadi puding
- sajikan dengan sirupnya (hangat lebih enak, tapi dingin juga ga apa2)