30 Days of Indonesia #18
For day 18 yesterday, I broke my fast with these goodies, called Wadai Kararaban, made of rice flour, coconut milk, and coconut palm sugar, soooo good, I kid you not.
This cake is famous in East and South Borneo and one of my favorites. Every Ramadhan, whenever my father or sister was out to buy some jajan pasar, traditional sweets to break our fast, I secretly wished there would always be this cake ?
Borneo natives are not just Dayak tribes but also Malay tribes, so I won’t be surprised if those in Sumatra, Malaysia, and Singapore has similar cake as wadai kararaban, even us in Borneo, we have tons of others cakes that are super similar to wadai kararaban, such as amparan tatak, nangka susun and various of sarimuka desserts.
I got the idea to prepare myself since my sister posted about it, so ta-daaaaa I came up with my own ?
Yuummmoo ?? That’s what my oldest said as he finished his 5th piece ?

- 62 ml thick coconut milk (A)
- 1/2 tsp fennel seeds
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon powder
- 60 g rice flour
- 50 g coconut palm sugar
- 250 ml thick coconut milk (B)
- a pinch of salt
- 1 screw pine leaf, knotted
how to
- heat fennel seeds in microwave for 1.30 minutes, then grind to powder
- mix coconut milk A with cinnamon and fennel powder, then heat for 30 seconds
- mix coconut milk B with sugar and salt, stir well, take out about 1/2 c of mixture and mix it with rice flour
- preheat steamer
- add in screwpine to the remaining coconut milk mixture and heat it in microwave for 2-3 minutes (scorching hot)
- stir in flour mixture into hot coconut milk, and 2 tbsp from the spiced coconut milk, pour into a 6 inch round pan
- steam for 15 minutes
- pour the leftover spiced coconut milk and sprinkle top with cinnamon powder (or cinnamon powder mixed with cocoa powder), steam for another 15 mins
Note: to see more of recipes/days on my 30 Days of Indonesia series, promoting Indonesia through our traditional desserts/sweets/snacks, please scroll down after the Indonesian translation
Wadai Kararaban
- 62 ml thick coconut milk A
- 1/2 tsp fennel seeds
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon powder
- 60 g rice flour
- 50 g coconut palm sugar
- 250 ml thick coconut milk B
- a pinch of salt
- 1 screw pine leaf knotted
- heat fennel seeds in microwave for 1.30 minutes, then grind to powder
- mix coconut milk A with cinnamon and fennel powder, then heat for 30 seconds
- mix coconut milk B with sugar and salt, stir well, take out about 1/2 c of mixture and mix it with rice flour
- preheat steamer
- add in screwpine to the remaining coconut milk mixture and heat it in microwave for 2-3 minutes (scorching hot)
- stir in flour mixture into hot coconut milk, and 2 tbsp from the spiced coconut milk, pour into a 6 inch round pan
- steam for 15 minutes
- pour the leftover spiced coconut milk and sprinkle top with cinnamon powder (or cinnamon powder mixed with cocoa powder), steam for another 15 mins

Sudah pernah dengar Kue Kararaban? Terkadang juga ditulis Kraraban. Mungkin yang orang Melayu akan tau kue ini, dengan nama yang sama ataupun berbeda, baik Melayu di Indonesia ataupun Malaysia dan Singapura.
Ini kue khas Kalimantan Timur dan Selatan, kuenya suku Banjar, rasanya legit sekali.
Ini salah satu kue kesukaanku setiap Ramadhan. Teksturnya mirip ketan srikaya (bagian srikaya-nya).
Hari ini aku puasa hanya 1/2 hari ? Jadi untuk nanti malam aku bakalan ga masuk dapur nih, tapi akan aku tetap usahakan untuk menerusan #promo-indonesia ini sampai hari ke 29/30 ?
Oke deh ini dia resep kue (wadai) kararaban untuk puasaku yang ke 18, kemarin ?
62 ml santan kental (A)
1/2 sdt adas manis, sangrai, tumbuk halus
1/2 sdt kayu manis bubuk
60 g tepung beras
50 g gula palem (gula merah lebih oke)
sejumput garam
250 ml santan kental (an)
1 helai daun pandan, ikat

cara membuat
campur santan A dengan adas da kayu manis, aduk rata, panaskan dalam microwave, 30 detik (atau didihkan atas kompor), sisihkan
campur santan B, garam, gula, aduk rata, ambil 1/2 gelas dan campurkan dengan tepung beras, didihkan sisanya ditambah daun panda (aku tentunya pakai microwave, kupanaskan 2-3 menit)
campurkan campuran tepung beras dengan santan panas, di tambah 2 sdm dari campuran santan A, kukus 15 menit
tuang sisa santan A dan kukus 15 menit lagi
Wadai Kararaban
- 62 ml santan kental A
- 1/2 sdt adas manis sangrai, tumbuk halus
- 1/2 sdt kayu manis bubuk
- 60 g tepung beras
- 50 g gula palem gula merah lebih oke
- sejumput garam
- 250 ml santan kental an
- 1 helai daun pandan ikat
- campur santan A dengan adas da kayu manis, aduk rata, panaskan dalam microwave, 30 detik (atau didihkan atas kompor), sisihkan
- campur santan B, garam, gula, aduk rata, ambil 1/2 gelas dan campurkan dengan tepung beras, didihkan sisanya ditambah daun panda (aku tentunya pakai microwave, kupanaskan 2-3 menit)
- campurkan campuran tepung beras dengan santan panas, di tambah 2 sdm dari campuran santan A, kukus 15 menit
- tuang sisa santan A dan kukus 15 menit lagi