30 Days of Indonesia #17 – Kue Pepare
Do you like bittergourd? I loooovveeee bittergourd, stir-fried, super spicy and served with warm rice, I’d be the happiest girl. It’s really not that hard to please me ?… when it comes to food.
The following traditional cake is called Kue Pepare, which translated as bittergourd cakelettes. Don’t worry, they are sweet and salty, not bitter at all ?
Some people could color and shape the cakelettes totally looking like bitter gourd. Mine? They are Hulk’s fingers instead, again, my 4 yo’s mind, ladies and gentlemen, that’s what he said ???? Every time I make something green, he always associates it with The Hulk ????
This cake is from Banjarmasin in South Borneo and is normally served with tai lala, which is cream made of coconut milk, and this is for Day 17 of my #promo-indonesia through 30 Days of Indonesia food series
You can check for the previous days right after the Indonesian translation below, btw

- 3/4 c desiccated coconut, unsweetened
- 4 tbsp coconut palm sugar
- 2 tbsp water
- a generous pinch of salt
- 100 g glutinous rice flour mixed with a generous pinch of salt
- 100 ml lukewarm coconut milk
- 1/2 tsp Pandan flavoring
- green food coloring
how to
- mix coconut, palm sugar, salt in a bowl, heat in microwave for 30 seconds, stir and set aside
- mix flour and salt in a bowl, pour in coconut milk, flavoring and coloring
- take about 1 tbsp of paste, flatten it, place enough desiccated coconut, and pinch to seal. Shape into oval
- make long marks with a back of a knife, as shown on picture
- preheat and line a steamer with banana leaf that has been greased with cooking oil
- steam cakelettes for 20 minutes but do not cover steamer with the lid, instead cover it with clean towel, this is to prevent the cakelettes enlarging too much while steaming
- serve with tai lala
tai lala
- 1 can thick coconut milk
- generous pinch of salt

how to
- bring to boil and simmer until it produces oil and thicker creamy cream
My sister posted a cake yesterday which Imma try to make for tonight. Will be posting tomorrow for Day 18, I cannot wait ????
Kue Pepare
- 3/4 c desiccated coconut unsweetened
- 4 tbsp coconut palm sugar
- 2 tbsp water
- a generous pinch of salt
- 100 g glutinous rice flour mixed with a generous pinch of salt
- 100 ml lukewarm coconut milk
- 1/2 tsp Pandan flavoring
- green food coloring
Tai Lala
- 1 can thick coconut milk
- generous pinch of salt
- mix coconut, palm sugar, salt in a bowl, heat in microwave for 30 seconds, stir and set aside
- mix flour and salt in a bowl, pour in coconut milk, flavoring and coloring
- take about 1 tbsp of paste, flatten it, place enough desiccated coconut, and pinch to seal. Shape into oval
- make long marks with a back of a knife, as shown on picture
- preheat and line a steamer with banana leaf that has been greased with cooking oil
- steam cakelettes for 20 minutes but do not cover steamer with the lid, instead cover it with clean towel, this is to prevent the cakelettes enlarging too much while steaming
- serve with tai lala
Tai Lala
- bring to boil and simmer until it produces oil and thicker creamy cream

Hai teman!
Untuk hari ke 17 bulan Ramadhan, aku berbuka dengan Kue Pepare, yang berasal dari Kalimantan Selatan.
Disebut Pepare karena bentuknya seperti sayur Pare/paria, tau kan?
Di Kalimantan, kami menyajikannya dengan tai lala, yaitu krim kental dari santan yang direbus hingga berminyak
Jadi kue ini manis dan gurih
Nih resepnya kalau tertarik ?
tai lala
1 kaleng santan siap pakai (400 ml)
garam sejumput
cara membuat
rebus di api sedang hingga mengeluarkan minyak, endapan yang mengapung adalah tai lala, ambil perlahan2 dengan sendok
3/4 gelas kelapa kering siap pakai
4 sdm gula palem (palm suiker)
sejumput garam
2 sdm air putih
cara membuat
campur dan panaskan dengan microwave selama 30 detik, sisihkan

100 g tepung ketan
sejumput garam
100 ml santan
1/2 sdt perisa Pandan
pewarna makanan, hijau, secukupnya
cara membuat
campur seluruh bahan
ambil 1 sdm makan, pipihkan, isi dengan bahan isi, bentuk melonjong
dengan pisau tumpul, beri guratan
beri minyak pada selembar daun pisang, taruh pepare, dan kukus selama 20 menit
saat mengukus, tutup panci dengan serbet bersih, bukan tutup panci, agar kue tidak mengembang besar
sajikan dengan tai lala