Good morning!
Yeah I started typing this early morning, but morning is always hectic here and only now, when it’s closer to 11 AM, I could sit down to try finish this posting 🤣
For Day 8 of 30 Days of Indonesia, last night I had Pisang Cokelat – sweet (spring) rolls, but instead with veggies, it’s filled with banana, chocolate rice, and sugar. Some would call these rolls as Lumpia Pisang Cokelat, due to the wrapper used.

It is so easy to make and people would add many additions for the filling, like jackfruit, grated cheese, etc.
Perfect to be served warm, but also good at room temperature. This rolls are my youngest’s fave 😊
You can use any kinds of bananas you like, but I used plantain.
- 1 large plantain, halved, then from each, halve again
- 4 spring rolls wrapper
- coconut palm sugar as needed
- sugar as needed
- DF chocolate rice, as needed (or grated DF chocolate bars, or chopped Df choc chips)
- a bowl of water
- cooking oil as needed

how to
- lay one wrapper on a plate, sprinkle with palm sugar, top with a slice of plantain, sprinkle with sugar, palm sugar and generous spoon of chocolate rice
- wet sides of wrapper, and wrap as you would do spring rolls, or you can just roll it.
- heat enough cooking oil and brown rolls on both sides
Super easy, right? 😉
Pisang Cokelat
- 1 large plantain halved, then from each, halve again
- 4 spring rolls wrapper
- coconut palm sugar as needed
- sugar as needed
- DF chocolate rice as needed (or grated DF chocolate bars, or chopped Df choc chips)
- a bowl of water
- cooking oil as needed
- lay one wrapper on a plate, sprinkle with palm sugar, top with a slice of plantain, sprinkle with sugar, palm sugar and generous spoon of chocolate rice
- wet sides of wrapper, and wrap as you would do spring rolls, or you can just roll it.
- heat enough cooking oil and brown rolls on both sides

Hai teman!
Disini sudah hari ke 9 bulan Ramadhan. Kalian masih mau akan hari ke 9 yak 😁 Tahun ini Kanada bersamaan dengan negara2 Eropa dan Turki, kami memulai berpuasa pada tanggal 16, sedangkan Indonesia bersamaan dengan Tunisia, pada tanggal 17. Tapi tak apa, Lebarannya ntar barengan juga 🤣
Buat teman yang belum tau, dalam rangka #promo-indonesia caraku, dibulan Ramadhan ini aku setiap harinya mengunggah jajan pasar khas Indonesia. Kalau mau lihat hari2 terdahulu, asa dibawah yah.
Kemarin aku buat pisang coklat. Ga neko2 sih, hanya pisang dan meises, dengan sedikit gula palem dan gula pasir. Anakku yang bungsu sukaaaaa deh.
Nih resepnya kalau tertarik
- 1 buah pisang plantain yang besar, iris panjang menjadi 4
- 4 kulit lumpia siap pakai
- meises, gula pasir, gula palem secukupnya
- air untuk menge-lem kulit lumpia
- minyak goreng secukupnya
cara membuat
- letakkan satu iris pisang pada satu kulit lumpia, taburi meises, gula pasir, gula palem
- gulung panjang ataupun seperti lumpia, basahkan sedikit sisi2nya agar bisa rekat
- goreng hingga kecoklatan
Jadi deh 😉
Servings: 0Ingredients
- 1 buah pisang plantain yang besar iris panjang menjadi 4
- 4 kulit lumpia siap pakai
- meises gula pasir, gula palem secukupnya
- air untuk menge-lem kulit lumpia
- minyak goreng secukupnya
letakkan satu iris pisang pada satu kulit lumpia, taburi meises, gula pasir, gula palem gulung panjang ataupun seperti lumpia, basahkan sedikit sisi2nya agar bisa rekat goreng hingga kecoklatan