Day 5 of 30 Days of Indonesia time! It’s been 6 days now I am fasting for the holy month, and yesterday when I was chatting with one of my younger sisters, she wondered if I had lost some weight since my cheek is slimmer, she said.
And I said “say whaaaaat. Me? Losing weight???!!! You’re joking, right?!”
I don’t lose weight, like ever, and especially not on Ramadan (the Moslem fasting month). How could I ever? Desserts come first for me, and during Ramadan, I would always eat tons of sweets for breaking the fast ππ€£ππ€£
Hmmm π€π€π€π€
Today I will be sharing The Hulk’s Banana π€£ Oh you, stop it. What a perve!
I was talking about this Indonesian traditional sweet called pisang ijo – translated to green banana, because, it’s banana filled and shaped, and it’s green π
When my 4 yo came into the kitchen, he literally said that, “are you making Hulk for meeeeee???” π
This green banana, even you can eat it as is, it is normally served as ice dessert, and then it would be calledΒ Es Pisang IjoΒ – ijo (hijau) is Indonesian for green, while es is ice.
This dessert is known to Sulawesi origin.
I thought to myelf as I was going through the 4 previous recipes I posted for this 30 Days of Indonesia series, they are all great to be entered to #howtoweekly, #ocd-resteem, #dailyfoodphotography, and also #fruitsandveggiesmonday, but since tags are limited to 5 per posting, it kinda broke my heart deciding not to include those great 4 projects though π Ah well!
Let’s see how I made the ice dessert π – and oh, I do have to mention, this is my vegan version and Canadian style π€£
The original would use sago flour, sweetened condensed milk and Indonesian syrup called cocopandan. No sago flour here nor cocopandan syrup. The banana used is also always belle bananaand/or saba banana, which neither is available in Canada as well.
Green Banana
1 ripe plantain but not soft
85 g rice flour
20 g g tapioca starch
at least 1 tbsp sugar (usually Indonesian don’t add sugar to the mixture as it will be served along sweet porridge, syrup, and condensed milk)
a pinch of salt
pandan (screw pine) paste as needed (if you cannot find the paste, use 1/2 tsp pandan flavoring and a couple of drops of green food color)
200 ml water
how to
into a pot, place flour, sugar, salt, flavoring and food color
stir in water
cook on low-medium heat to thicken slightly, stirring continuously, then take off from heat, quickly stir in starch to a pliable mass
wrap plantain with the mass
bring a pot water to boil and drop in plantain
boil for 10 minutes
200 g coconut milk or nut milk
13 g rice flour
18 g sugar
a pinch of salt
1 screw pine leaf, tied in knot
how to
mix everything and bring to boil, to thicken, stirring continuously
discard leaf
Strawberry Syrup
2 tbsp strawberry jam
2 tbsp coconut water
how to
microwave jam for 20 secs
stir in coconut water
crashed ice
DF sweetened condensed milk
slice green banana
place porridge on serving bowl, drizzle with strawberry syrup
Kemarin untuk takjil hari ke-5 Ramadan, aku buat pisang ijo, yang tentunya kusajikan sebagai es pisang ijo.
Aslinya sih pakai tepung sagu (banyak juga yg pakai terigu), pisang raja/kepok, serta sirup cocopandan. Itu semua ga ada di Kanada, jadi es pisang berikut ini versi Kanada yak π€£π€£π€£π€£
1 pisang plantain (pisang plantain disini besar2 dan panjang2, aku belum pernah lihat pisang sepanjang plantain)
85 g tepung beras
20 g tepung tapioka
1 sdm gula pasir
200 ml air
sejumput garam
1/2 sdt perisa pandan dan 2-3 tetes pewarna makanan, hijau
cara membuat
masak air, tepung beras, gula, garam, perisa, pewarna, sambil terus di aduk, hingga mengental
angkat dari kompor dan langsung masukkan tapioka, aduk
bungkus pisang dengan adonan
didihkan air secukupnya, rebus 10 menit, hingga mengambang
bubur sumsum lembut
200 santan atau pun susu cair
13 g tepung beras
18 g gula pasir
sejumput garam
seikat daun pandan
cara membuat
didihkan sambil diaduk, hingga mengental
sirup stroberi
2 sdm selai stroberi, panaskan di microwave 30 detik, campurkan dengan 2-3 sdm air kelapa
sajikan irisan pisang ijo dengan bubur sumsum, sirop stroberi dan es batu dan juga susu kental manis