Today my oldest stays at home. He has a very swollen and red pinky toe. He seems to punctured it somehow, perhaps from the gravels of the schoolyard. Since some parts still wet, kids still have rain boots on, and sometimes the rocks find their way into the boots.
So since he’s home, for breakfast this morning I prepared scones for the babes. Something differ than the regular raisin toast or cereal bowls.
My scones are soft and nice. I love scones but often hotel’s or storebought are hard/stale, so when am not lazy, I prepare scones-my style, which the kids like them very much as is, even without any spreads.
This morning I baked Speculaas Orange & Choc Chips Scones.

In Indonesia we have this super awesome spiced layer cake which is known as lapis legit – thousand layers cake. It is using speculaas spices (Dutch origin). I like using this spices in many muffins, cookies, and cakes. You can purchase it online, if not just use cinnamon powder or a mix of cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice powder.
- 2 c flour
- 1/3 c sugar
- 1 tbsp BP
- 1/2 tsp each salt and speculaas
- 1/4 c vegan margarine
- 1/2 c nut milk
- zest of half large orange
- freshly squeezed of half large orange juice plus 1 tbsp juice (I had an orang that I halved, then from one half I halved it again, so it was like 3/4 of a large orange) – I like adding in the soft pulps as well
- 1/3 c DF Choc chips
- Additional flour, milk and sugar

How To
- Mix dry ingredients in a bowl, cut in margarine
- Make a well in center and pour in wet ingredients, mix/knead
- Knead in Choc chips
- Preheat oven to 375
- Flour a working board/flat surface and dump dough
- Pat into circle and slice into 8 pieces
- Place each pieces on a baking pan, give some space
- Brush each pieces with nut milk generously, then sprinkle some sugar
- Bake for 15-17 mins

Scone Jeruk dan Coklat Keping
Pagi ini anak-anak sarapan scones, sejenis roti dan juga kue. Lazimnya scone rasa manis, namun ada juga yang membuat scone rasa rempah-rempah, bahkan terkadang juga ada cacahan daging asapnya.
Scone berikut ini rasa jeruk manis, yang juga kukasih bubuk lapis legit đ juga kuberi kepingan cokelat. Enak deh đ
Nih resepnya kalau mau ikutan buat đ

- 2 gelas terigu
- 1/3 gelas gula Pasir
- 1 sdm baking powder
- sejumput garam
- 1/4 gelas margarin
- 1/2 gelas susu cair
- 1 buah jeruk manis ukuran besar, parut tipis kulitnya dan peras air jusnya
- 1/3 gelas kepingan cokelat –Â coklat chips
- sedikit susu cair dan gula pasir
Cara Membuat
- Campurkan bahan kering
- Masukkan margarin, aduk sebentar
- Tuang susu cair serta jus jeruk dan kulit jeruk, adon rata
- Masukkan cokelat
- Bentuk adonan melingkar dan iris menjadi 8 buah
- Sapu setiap bagian dengan susu cair dan taburi gula pasir
- Panggang selama 15-17 menit dalam oven yang sudah dipanaskan terlebih dahulu, pada panas 375 F