Woot-woot! Today is National Caramel Day. My favorite kind of day, as I love caramel, butterscotch, dulce de leche, and toffee. Anything with caramel flavor, I ❤️.
It’s like the universe knew I would so loving today, yesterday my husband came home with 6 cans of DF sweetened condensed milk (coconut based). They were on sale, he said, and he grabbed the whole 6 available cans ?
Perfect for treating myself to homemade soft caramels then, right?

These are soooo good.
Since these are using coconut condensed milk, I thought it would be perfect paired with coconut palm sugar instead (light) brown sugar. Obviously you can use (light) brown sugar especially if you’d like the cream color of caramel ?
- 1/2 c vegan margarine
- 1/2 c coconut palm sugar
- 1/2 c corn syrup
- generous pinch of salt
- 1 can of coconut condensed milk
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
How To
- Line a square pan with parchment paper, set aside
- Melt margarine in a pot over medium heat
- Stir in sugar, syrup and salt
- Stir in condensed milk

Cook until candy thermometer shows 120 C or 248 F

Take off from heat, let bubbles gone then stir in vanilla extract

Pour hot caramel into prepared pan and let cool to room temperature

- Chill in the fridge for several hours/overnight

Hai teman!
Tadi pagi aku bikin dodol ala orang bule, caramel. Disini sih ada permen karamel yang keras, ada yang keras tapi kalau dimakan melunak, dan ada yang lunak. Yang lunak bagiku miriiiiiiip banget sama dodol Indonesia. Jadi kangen deh makan dodol ?
Karena hari ini adalah Hari Karamel Se-Nasional, waktu yang tepat buat bikin karamel, kan? ?

Nih resepnya kalau mau coba buat juga
1/2 gelas margarin
1/2 gelas sirup jagung
1/2 gelas palm suiker (gula semut)
sejumput garam
1 kaleng SKM (195 ml)
1/2 sdt perasa vanili
Sebelum kubagi cara membuatnya, aku perlu jelasin bahwa biar ini permen karamel jadi mirip dodol Indonesia, aku pakai palm suiker yang berbahan dasar kelapa, begitu juga SKM-nya, juga berbahan dasar kelapa.

Cara Membuat
Cairkan margarin diatas kompor api sedang
Masukkan bahan lainnya (kecuali vanili) dan masak hingga termometer (khusus buat permen) menunjukkan 120 C
Matikan api, angkat panci dari kompor, aduk hingga buih panas menghilang
Masukkan vanili
Tuang karamel panas ke cetakan yang sudah dialasi dengan kertas kue/kertas minyak
Biarkan hingga dingin di suhu ruangan, baru masukkan ke dalam kulkas hingga mengeras sebelum dipotong-potong
Jadi deh ?

Soft Caramels
- 1/2 c vegan margarine
- 1/2 c coconut palm sugar
- 1/2 c corn syrup
- generous pinch of salt
- 1 can of coconut condensed milk
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- Line a square pan with parchment paper, set aside
- Melt margarine in a pot over medium heat
- Stir in sugar, syrup and salt
- Stir in condensed milk
- Cook until candy thermometer shows 120 C or 248 F
- Take off from heat, let bubbles gone then stir in vanilla extract
- Pour hot caramel into prepared pan and let cool to room temperature
- Chill in the fridge for several hours/overnight
[…] 6 DF soft caramels over stove […]