Morning friends,
Hope your Sunday is off to a good start!
What are you having (or what did you have) for breakfast? The boys are sharing pancake at the moment, I could hear their oooh and aaah. Mission success it means ?
Their pancakes have banana slices, chocolate chips, apple slices, strawberry jam, and carrots.
Say whaaaa….tt???!! CARROTS???!
Yes, carrots ? and no, not carrot cake-pancake, but, ta-daaaaa
Bunny Pancake!

My oldest has his with maple syrup while my youngest as is, and he asked me to chop more carrots, to munch separately ?
- 1 tbsp ground flax seed, soaked and stirred in 2 1/2 tbsp water – set aside to thicken
- 1 c + 1 tbsp coconut milk beverage, mixed with 2 tsp apple cider vinegar – set aside
- 1 c flour
- 1 tsp sugar
- 1 tsp BP
- 1/4 tsp BSoda
- a pinch of salt
- 1 tbsp vegan margarine, melted

How To
- Mix dry ingredients in a bowl, make a well in the center
- Pour coconut milk mixture, melted margarine and flax meal “egg”

- Stir to just combine
- Brush non stick pan with (extra) margarine and make pancakes

- Serve with your favorite fruits/toppings/syrups
Eyes: banana-choc chips, ears: banana, feet: banana-choc chips, nose: strawberry jam, teeth: apples, moustache: apples, tail: carrots
Bon appetit ????

Note: to make it easier (to create shape and whatnot), pour batter into piping bag, then pipe batter on the pan!

Hai teman!
Semoga hari Minggu kalian oke2 saja yak
Sarapan apa tadi pagi?
Anak2ku gi heboh menikmati kue dadar (pancake) mereka, soalnya kubentuk seperti kelinci ? Ini nih mak2 ga ga ada kerjaan yah gini ini, mainan mulu bisanya ?
Ini resepnya kalau mau ikutan mainan ?
1 sdm bubuk biji rami, di aduk dengan 2 1/2 sdm air, biarkan hingga mengental
1 gelas + 1 sdm susu cair, beri 2 sdt cuka apel, diamkan sebentar
1 gelas terigu dicampur dengan 1 sdt gula pasir, 1 sdt baking powder (bubuk pengembang kue), 1/4 sdt soda kue dan sejumput garam
Tuang susu cair, biji rami kental, serta 1 sdm margarin yang di di lelehkan, kedalam campuran terigu, aduk rata
Oles Teflon dengan margarin, dadar kue
Sajikan dengan buah kesukaan, ataupun sirup khusus kue dadar
Kalau mau bikin kue dadar yang di bentuk, lebih mudah kalau adonan dimasukkan kedalam kantong segi tiga terlebih dahulu, baru disemprotkan di Teflon.

Mudah kan ?

Mata: pisang dan coklat, hidung: selai, telinga: pisang, kaki: pisang dan coklat, kumis: apel, gigi: apel, buntut: wortel
Bunny Pancake
- 1 tbsp ground flax seed soaked and stirred in 2 1/2 tbsp water – set aside to thicken
- 1 c + 1 tbsp coconut milk beverage mixed with 2 tsp apple cider vinegar – set aside
- 1 c flour
- 1 tsp sugar
- 1 tsp BP
- 1/4 tsp BSoda
- a pinch of salt
- 1 tbsp vegan margarine melted
- Mix dry ingredients in a bowl, make a well in the center
- Pour coconut milk mixture, melted margarine and flax meal “egg”
- Stir to just combine
- Brush non stick pan with (extra) margarine and make pancakes
- Serve with your favorite fruits/toppings/syrups