TGIF friends ????
Here I am watching my sons doing basic steps on Wii Fit and listening to their giggles and shouts! Holy moly my sons can be sooooo loud sometimes ?. At least they’re not fighting, right ?
Earlier on a channel discord chat, as I was leaving the chat to do dishes (boo, mommy’s life), a friend was teasing me how he arrived home to clean dishes already, so he gave cookie-points to his family ??Reading so many cookies mentioned on the chat, made me want to bake cookies too, but when I bought it up to the boys, they preferred donuts instead!
So we had donuts half H or so ago ? That is why, the boys are “working out” on the Wii Fit ? Naaaah, they’ve been playing with some games on the Wii then moved on to work out “game” ?
What kind of donuts I came up with? These! Quick Fix Chocolate Donuts

The chocolate sprinkles (chocolate rice) I used is made with cocoa butter, they are not the “chocolate” sprinkles you’d normally find in North American markets, which is only sugar based and/or egg white based. I used Indonesian brand called Ceres, Original which has no dairy in it – the other kinds of chocolate sprinkles from Ceres do have dairy in them, so choose the Original. But of course, you can top the donuts with whatever you like ?
- 80 ml coconut milk beverage, lukewarm
- 1/2 tsp dry active yeast
- 3/4 c flour, reserve 1 tbsp
- 1 tbsp Dutch cocoa powder
- 1 tbsp sugar
- 1 tbsp vegan margarine
- oil for frying
- vegan margarine for spreading
- dairy free chocolate rice
How To
- Bloom yeast in milk for 5 mins
- In a bowl, mix flour, sugar, cocoa powder
- Pour yeast into flour mixture and knead

- Knead in vegan margarine, if dough feels wet, knead in the reserved flour
- Cover and let rise for 20 mins
- Roll dough and cut with round/donut cutter, and let donut rest covered for 20 mins
- Heat oil on medium heat, and fry donut for 2 mins on each side

- Let donuts stand for a bit until it’s good to touch, spread with vegan margarine then sprinkle with chocolate rice

Hai teman,
Aku barusan bikin donat cokelat ga pake ribet. Maksudnya tanpa susu bubuk lah, telur lah, DLL. Supppeeer mudah deh. Di tengok nih resepnya kalau berkenan mencoba ?
80 ml cairan (susu cair ataupun air matang), hangat suam-suam Kuku
1/2 sdt ragi butiran
3/4 gelas terigu
1 sdm coklat bubuk
1 sdm gula pasir
1 sdm margarin
minyak untuk menggoreng
margarin untuk olesan
meises secukupnya
Cara Membuat
larutkan ragi dalam susu, biarkan 5 menit hingga mengembang
campurkan terigu, gula, coklat bubuk menjadi satu
tuang ragi cairan ke terigu, di adon hingga agak kalis, beri margarin.
tutup adonan dengan plastik/lap bersih, diamkan 20 menit hingga mengembang
gilas adonan, cetak menjadi donat, diamkan kembali 20 menit
panaskan minyak, api sedang, goreng 2 menit per sisi

- oleskan margarin dan taburi meises
Jadi deh ?

Chocolate Doughnut
- 80 ml coconut milk beverage lukewarm
- 1/2 tsp dry active yeast
- 3/4 c flour reserve 1 tbsp
- 1 tbsp Dutch cocoa powder
- 1 tbsp sugar
- 1 tbsp vegan margarine
- oil for frying
- vegan margarine for spreading
- dairy free chocolate rice
- Bloom yeast in milk for 5 mins
- In a bowl, mix flour, sugar, cocoa powder
- Pour yeast into flour mixture and knead
- Knead in vegan margarine, if dough feels wet, knead in the reserved flour
- Cover and let rise for 20 mins
- Roll dough and cut with round/donut cutter, and let donut rest covered for 20 mins
- Heat oil on medium heat, and fry donut for 2 mins on each side
- Let donuts stand for a bit until it’s good to touch, spread with vegan margarine then sprinkle with chocolate rice