Earlier I posted a chocolate covered apple that I decorated as Cupid, and just now I finished with this one, a cute flamingo 😁
These two (of Cupid and flamingo), are my first time making colored vegan chocolate, as you may (already) know, most of the available colored chocolate buttons on the market have dairy in them (the ones in Canada at least).
It’s a learning curve, I have to say it wasn’t easy. Making vegan white chocolate is easy, yes, but to color them, was trial and error throughout the day, for me, what an amateur, hey 😂
I didn’t add any measurement in my trials today, just adding stuff as I go. So basically, to make basic vegan white chocolate, you’d need:
- cocoa butter
- icing sugar
- a little bit of fat, such as vegetable shortening and/or coconut oil
Today I learned how to prepare vegan modelling chocolate, and mine came out pretty oily – a common problem even with dairy chocolate, it can happen, but with my DF white chocolate that I tinted with rose color, when I let rest the modelling chocolate, the fat was showing, so I had white patches everywhere, as you can see on this photo
It didn’t happen with my red tinted chocolate for Cupid earlier, but for the rose chocolate for this flamingo, it did.
Even after the rose chocolate was resting and solid, it was super oily to work with, even though I had gloves on, it was still not that easy.
But alas, my flamingo is a cutie, if I may say so myself 😁
I didn’t go out to get yellow food coloring and it is already 7 PM now as am typing this, so boys are having the apples (Cupid and flamingo) instead – if you read the Cupid posting, I meant to try to make more Cupid to send to my son’s teacher for Valentine’s Day party at school tomorrow, eventhough we have bought chocolates for the classmates and teacher.
Anyhoo, let me show you how I made the flamingo!

- 1 bag (250 g) raw cocoa butter chips, this wasn’t cheap, mine cost $12, another brand was $14
- vegetable shortening, as needed – if needed
- icing sugar, as needed
- white corn syrup, as needed
- food color, gel, Wilton brand is vegan friendly, rose and black
- edible pen marker, brown
- lolly stick/skewer
- ribbon
How To
- line a parchment paper on a plate, set aside
- wash clean and pat dry apples, pull out the stem, discard
- push in skewer where stems were
- melt cocoa butter in 30 seconds interval, they easily melt compare to chocolate chips, chocolate bars, chocolate buttons FYI – cocoa butter melts just like coconut oil/butter/margarine
- stir in rose food color, lighter or darker result is depending how much food color you add into the cocoa butter, stir in enough icing sugar, should it seize a little, stir in vegetable shortening, as much as needed, only if needed
- dip apple in colored cocoa butter, place on the plate with parchment paper, chill in the fridge until it set

While apple setting up, stir enough corn syrup into rose cocoa butter mixture, keep stirring until a thicker mixture is achieved, this will be your modeling chocolate.
Spoon this gooey mixture into ziplock bag, chill in the fridge for 5-8 minutes, take out and let stand on room temperature, for an H or so.
As you can see, homemade chocolate turned into modelling chocolate produced a lot of oil. Sooooo greasy, even it wasn’t handled with hands at all.
- take out apple from fridge
- knead enough rose modeling chocolate (gloves on) and shape into a long rope. Bend one end and sharpen a bit, to shape into a head (like a hook)
- knead enough rose modeling chocolate, roll flat and cut into wings. With knife, make slices all over (without cutting through), to give wings the look of feathers
- attach head and wings onto apple with a little melted rose chocolate (if you dont have any left, see how I dipped the apples and there are excess chocolate harden on the bottom of the apple? Cut those carefully, then melt 😉)
- with edible marker, make eyes
- for the beak, I wanted to use black edible marker, but I used black gel food color in the end, for darker result
Edible Flamingo
- edible pen marker, brown
- lolly stick/skewer
- ribbon
- 1 bag 250 g raw cocoa butter chips, this wasn’t cheap, mine cost $12, another brand was $14
- vegetable shortening as needed – if needed
- icing sugar as needed
- white corn syrup as needed
- food color gel, Wilton brand is vegan friendly, rose and black
- line a parchment paper on a plate, set aside
- wash clean and pat dry apples, pull out the stem, discard
- push in skewer where stems were
- melt cocoa butter in 30 seconds interval, they easily melt compare to chocolate chips, chocolate bars, chocolate buttons FYI – cocoa butter melts just like coconut oil/butter/margarine
- stir in rose food color, lighter or darker result is depending how much food color you add into the cocoa butter, stir in enough icing sugar, should it seize a little, stir in vegetable shortening, as much as needed, only if needed
- dip apple in colored cocoa butter, place on the plate with parchment paper, chill in the fridge until it set
- While apple setting up, stir enough corn syrup into rose cocoa butter mixture, keep stirring until a thicker mixture is achieved, this will be your modeling chocolate.
- Spoon this gooey mixture into ziplock bag, chill in the fridge for 5-8 minutes, take out and let stand on room temperature, for an H or so.
- take out apple from fridge
- knead enough rose modeling chocolate (gloves on) and shape into a long rope. Bend one end and sharpen a bit, to shape into a head (like a hook)
- knead enough rose modeling chocolate, roll flat and cut into wings. With knife, make slices all over (without cutting through), to give wings the look of feathers
- attach head and wings onto apple with a little melted rose chocolate (if you dont have any left, see how I dipped the apples and there are excess chocolate harden on the bottom of the apple? Cut those carefully, then melt 😉)
- with edible marker, make eyes
- for the beak, I wanted to use black edible marker, but I used black gel food color in the end, for darker result