You can serve the oxtail fried or as is with the soup. I love them fried, so does my 2 yo. We would just sit together and munch, munch, munch hahaha My husband and my 5 yo on the other hands, like them as is with the soup.

700 g oxtail
Enough water
1 cinnamon stick
5-6 cloves
1/2 of a nutmeg, slice/crush
Salt to taste
Bring all to boil for 10 mins on high then lower heat to medium, and cook for another 10 mins
Meanwhile, prepare:
8 new potatoes (the small ones), quarter
3 carrots, skin and slice
6 cherry tomatoes
3 green onions
Snap peas, 1 bag, 150 g
2 tbsp ready to use fried onion
Drop all (except snap peas) into the pot and cook until carrots and potatoes are tender
Once tender, drop in snap peas, stir and turn off heat and cover pot with lid, let sit for 5-8 mins (snap peas should be still somewhat crunchy but also somewhat tender)
For frying the oxtail:
Once carrot and potatoes are tender, before adding snap peas, take out oxtail as many as you like
Coat oxtail in enough flour mixture of flour, garlic powder, salt and ground white pepper (if you have Vegeta/Royco/Masako seasoning, they are much better than only salt)
Heat enough oil and fry coated oxtail
Serve soup sprinkled with more fried onion (and if you have coriander leaves) along with fried oxtail and hot sauce (sambal)
Enjoy 🙂
Sop Buntut Goreng
Boiling Oxtail
- 700 g oxtail
- Enough water
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 5-6 cloves
- 1/2 of a nutmeg slice/crush
- Salt to taste
- 8 new potatoes the small ones, quarter
- 3 carrots skin and slice
- 6 cherry tomatoes
- 3 green onions
- Snap peas 1 bag, 150 g
- 2 tbsp ready to use fried onion
Boiling Oxtail
- Bring all to boil for 10 mins on high then lower heat to medium, and cook for another 10 mins
- Drop all (except snap peas) into the pot and cook until carrots and potatoes are tender
- Once tender, drop in snap peas, stir and turn off heat and cover pot with lid, let sit for 5-8 mins (snap peas should be still somewhat crunchy but also somewhat tender)
Frying Oxtail
- Once carrot and potatoes are tender, before adding snap peas, take out oxtail as many as you like
- Coat oxtail in enough flour mixture of flour, garlic powder, salt and ground white pepper (if you have Vegeta/Royco/Masako seasoning, they are much better than only salt)
- Heat enough oil and fry coated oxtail
- Serve soup sprinkled with more fried onion (and if you have coriander leaves) along with fried oxtail and hot sauce (sambal)
- Enjoy 🙂

Habis chatting ama adik dan dia pas gi masak sop buntut. Kebetulan suami habis borong oxtail kemarin
2 bungkus buntut sapi yg sudah di potong2, 700g
Air secukupnya
1 batang kayumanis
5-6 batang cengkeh
1/2 buah pala, iris/di keprek juga boleh
Garam secukupnya
Rebus bahan2 diatas hingga mendidih selama 10 menit.
Turunkan panas api hingga sedang, tetap masak selama 10 menit lagi.
Sementara itu, potong2
8 buah kentang kecil
3 buah wortel
6 tomat ceri
3 batang daun bawang
Cemplungkan wortel, kentang, tomat ceri dan sugar snaps, beserta 2 sdm bawang goreng
Masak hingga matang.
Sesuaikan garam.
Sajikan hangat (boleh ditaburin bawang goreng lagi dan daun seledri).
Kalau buat orang dewasa, boleh ditambahkan merica bubuk saat memasak.
Kalau mau digoreng:
Campurkan terigu, garam dan bawang putih bubuk (kalau punya royco malah lebih praktis!)
Panaskan minyak
Balut buntut matang dengan terigu
Goreng kecoklatan