This dish is served with Hungarian spaetzle, known as nokedli. If it was up to me though, I would no doubt serve it with rice, thanks to the Asian in me hahahah Definitely great with rice 😀
Now, there are many ways cooking this simple dish, some using roux method, some just like this one. Sometimes I add vegeta powder as well, not just salt. Other time the paprika gives reddish gravy and sometimes yellowish as seen on pic.
My husband’ mother cooks it until gravy becomes super greasy which I find it a tad too much to my liking, while other Hungarians I know kinda cook it rather bland which am not sure why, but they love it when they can sprinkle their own salt and whatnot to their serving plate.
The perfect one was always cooked by my husband’s grandmother, Nyergesi Neni, may she rests in peace

Anyhoo, here is the recipe 😀
1 whole chicken, cut up. You can leave skin intact if you’d like, just trim fats
1 medium size onion
1 tbsp paprika powder
Enough water
About 1 tbsp flour mix with 3 healing tbsp sour cream
Salt to taste
Heat oil, saute onion
Stir in paprika, stir fast, dont let it burnt
Add in washed and drain chicken into the pot and stir quickly to coat chicken with paprika. Keep cooking until chicken change in color
Pour in water and boil
Turn down heat to medium and let it simmer until chicken is cooked through
Add in salt to taste then stir in mixture of sour cream
Serve warm with noodle/nokedli or rice, with a dollop of sour cream
Csirke Paprikas
- 1 whole chicken cut up. You can leave skin intact if you’d like, just trim fats
- 1 medium size onion
- 1 tbsp paprika powder
- Enough water
- About 1 tbsp flour mix with 3 healing tbsp sour cream
- Salt to taste
- Heat oil, saute onion
- Stir in paprika, stir fast, dont let it burnt
- Add in washed and drain chicken into the pot and stir quickly to coat chicken with paprika. Keep cooking until chicken change in color
- Pour in water and boil
- Turn down heat to medium and let it simmer until chicken is cooked through
- Add in salt to taste then stir in mixture of sour cream
- Serve warm with noodle/nokedli or rice, with a dollop of sour cream