Raise your hands if you like potato dishes 😀
10 large potatoes
500 g cottage cheese
6 heaping tbsp mayo (or more)
1/2 of large purple onion, thinly sliced/cubed
300 g or more, smoked turkey breast, cubed
Garlic powder, onion powder, vinegar, lemon juice, to your tastebud
Dry dill weed as needed
Pepperflakes/black/white pepper, optional (I opted this as this was to be served at a dinner with kids)

Boil potatoes for 25 mins (tender), drain, cubed. Mix in cubed turkey and onion
In a bowl, combine well the rest of the ingredients (quicker and easier with electric mixer). Adjust to your taste
Pour dressing into potato mixture, fold
Chill before serving
Potato Salad
- 10 large potatoes
- 500 g cottage cheese
- 6 heaping tbsp mayo or more
- 1/2 of large purple onion thinly sliced/cubed
- 300 g or more smoked turkey breast, cubed
- Garlic powder onion powder, vinegar, lemon juice, to your tastebud
- Dry dill weed as needed
- Pepperflakes/black/white pepper optional (I opted this as this was to be served at a dinner with kids)
- Boil potatoes for 25 mins (tender), drain, cubed. Mix in cubed turkey and onion
- In a bowl, combine well the rest of the ingredients (quicker and easier with electric mixer). Adjust to your taste
- Pour dressing into potato mixture, fold
- Chill before serving

Suka salad kentang ga temans? Aku suka banget deh segala yang berbau kentang. Di goreng, di rebus, di kukus, dibikin masakan, dibikin kue, suka pokoknya 😀
10 buah kentang ukuran besar, kupas kulit dan rebus 25 menit, angkat, tiriskan, potong dadu
500 g keju cottage/cottage cheese
setidaknya 6 sdm mayonaisse
1/2 dari 1 butir bawang ungu yang besar, iris tipis
300 g dada kalkun asap (boleh dada ayam asap) siap pakai, potong dadu
bawang putih bubuk, bubuk bawang (onion powder), cuka makan, perasan air jeruk lemon, secukupnya
daun dill kering secukupnya (kalo ga ada, boleh ga pake)
cabai kering/bubuk, merica bubuk, kalo mau boleh di pake

Tinggal campur seluruh bahan, sajikan langsung ataupun dingin dari kulkas 😀