Cherie, my high school friend back in Australia, shared me the recipe. Sooooo good ๐ I did tweak a little, adjusting what I had in the kitchen ๐
3 lemons (about 600 g)
3 whole eggs + 1 yolk
100 g cold firm butter, cubed
1 1/4 c sugar

Grate lemon rind, set aside
Squeeze juice out, set aside
In a pot, with wire whisk, combine eggs and sugar. Place pot on stove on low heat, keep whisking mixture until it feels that the mixture is thickening.
Add in the rest of the ingredients, stir to combine and keep cooking until thickened.
Pour mixture into glass jar or container. Cool to room temperature then chill in the fridge.
It lasts for at least 1 week long.
Lemon Curd
- 3 lemons about 600 g
- 3 whole eggs + 1 yolk
- 100 g cold firm butter cubed
- 1 1/4 c sugar
- Grate lemon rind, set aside
- Squeeze juice out, set aside
- In a pot, with wire whisk, combine eggs and sugar. Place pot on stove on low heat, keep whisking mixture until it feels that the mixture is thickening.
- Add in the rest of the ingredients, stir to combine and keep cooking until thickened.
- Pour mixture into glass jar or container. Cool to room temperature then chill in the fridge.

Dalam bahasa Inggrisnya sih Lemon Curd. Dapat resepnya dari teman yang bermukim di Australia, saya rubah dikit, menyesuaikan apa yang ada di rumah ๐
Bisa dipakai buat roti, kue, donat, eclair, dll Kadang saya senengnya cuman disendokin langsung haha
3 lemon, beratnya 600 g
3 telur + 1 kuning telur
100 g mentega
1 1/4 cup gula pasir
Cara Membuat
Parut kulit lemon, sisihkan
Peras air lemon, sisihkan
Potong-potong mentega, ga perlu pada suhu ruangan, kalau mentega Anda dan lembek pada suhu ruangan, masukkan ke freezer 5 menit, pasti dah keras kembali
Kocok telur dan gula dengan balon kocokan, hingga rata. Panaskan kocokan telur ini sambil terus di aduk di atas api super kecil hingga mulai terasa mengental
Masukkan bahan lainnya, aduk terus hingga mengental
Tuang pada toples gelas, dan bisa disimpan 1-2 minggu di kulkas