We drove to Budapest the other week hahaha Just to get some soybeans! Good gosh, there isn’t tofu in Nyergesujfalu, Esztergom and neighboring towns, so imagine looking for tempeh lol
I do not have tempeh yeast but at least I made me some tofu 😀

900 g soy beans
A lot of water to soak the beans through the night (in a couple of hours, the beans would soak some water and you will need to add more water to cover the beans.
Each time you see the water is lessen, rinse the beans and soak with new clean water to cover the beans again)
After being soaked all night long, rinse beans twice more
Pour one cup of beans into electric blender, add in 3 cups of water and process until smooth (repeat this step until all beans used up)
Pour blended mixture into a very large cooking pot and bring to boil for 20 minutes long
Prepare another large cooking pot and line with cheesecloth
Pour boiled mixture through cheesecloth carefully
Every 8 cups of boiled strained milk, mix in 1 tbsp vinegar (for soft tofu, 2 tbsp for firmer tofu). You will see result right away.

Prepare a large cooking pot or container, lined with cheesecloth and clean kitchen cloth. Pour tofu on the clothes and squeeze water out as much as you can (you can also just gather the clothes and hang it for a couple of hours as shown on picture.
Once no more water dripping, place tofu in container and let rest for an hour or two before slicing and cooking
I like fried salted tofu, which is basically you dissolve a little salt in water, slice the tofu and dip to coat on salted water and fry 🙂
Serve warm is yuuummeeeehhh
Membuat Tahu
- 900 g soy beans
- A lot of water to soak the beans through the night (in a couple of hours the beans would soak some water and you will need to add more water to cover the beans.
- Each time you see the water is lessen, rinse the beans and soak with new clean water to cover the beans again)
- After being soaked all night long, rinse beans twice more
- Pour one cup of beans into electric blender, add in 3 cups of water and process until smooth (repeat this step until all beans used up)
- Pour blended mixture into a very large cooking pot and bring to boil for 20 minutes long
- Prepare another large cooking pot and line with cheesecloth
- Pour boiled mixture through cheesecloth carefully
- Every 8 cups of boiled strained milk, mix in 1 tbsp vinegar (for soft tofu, 2 tbsp for firmer tofu). You will see result right away.
- Prepare a large cooking pot or container, lined with cheesecloth and clean kitchen cloth. Pour tofu on the clothes and squeeze water out as much as you can (you can also just gather the clothes and hang it for a couple of hours as shown on picture.
- Once no more water dripping, place tofu in container and let rest for an hour or two before slicing and cooking
- I like fried salted tofu, which is basically you dissolve a little salt in water, slice the tofu and dip to coat on salted water and fry 🙂
- Serve warm is yuuummeeeehhh
- Enjoy~

Membuat Tahu (homemade tofu)
Ternyata tak susah….oh yah???!
Lihat banyak WNA yang buat, baik vegetarian ataupun bukan, saya tertarik juga untuk buat tahu, sambil mikir masak saya yang Asian ga bisa, apalagi saat ini saya bermukim di kota yang tak ada tahu. Disamping itu, saya ada kacang kedelai yang mesti saya pakai sebelum pindahan (lagi…sigh).
Ternyataaaaa…SUSAH!!!!….kalau Anda punya baby yang sedang aktif-aktifnya seperti baby saya 🙂 Jadinya ada little chef yang maksudnya bantuin tapi malah ngerusuhin hehe
Setelah baca-baca disini,
dan disini, http://kristinemonia.multiply.com/reviews/item/55
Ini resep yang saya pakai, karena hanya segini kacang kedelai yang saya punya 😉
900 g kacang kedelai
air super banyak, untuk merendam (saya rendam semalam, dengan catatan air di ganti beberapa kali)
cuka makan (lihat dibawah) serta air untuk membuat susu kedelai (lihat dibawah)
Cara Membuat
Setelah semalam direndam, cuci bersih, bilas kembali 2x lagi, tiriskan dan siap di blender
Setiap 1 cup kacang kedelai, beri 3 cups air, blender halus
Taruh semua hasil blender baik susu maupun ampas kedalam panci yang bueeessaaaar
Rebus selama 20 menit, tuang ke panci bersih lainnya yang juga tak kalah besarnya yang sudah diberi saringan dan lap bersih (saya pakai cheesecloth)
Setiap 8 cups susu kedelai yang sudah disaring, beri 1 sdm penuh cuka makan
Tadaaaaa, gumpalan-gumpalan langsung terbentuk. Aduk sekali. Karena saya mau tahu yang agak firm/padat, saya kasih tambahan 2 sdm cuka (untuk keseluruhan susu kedelai) lagi, kalau mau tahu halus seperti tahu sutera, ga usah ditambahin lagi
Siapkan saringan dan lap bersih (kali ini saya pakai lap bersih, karena ternyata dengan cheesecloth, lubangnya terlalu besar buat gumpalan tahu ini
Ikat lap, peras air hingga seluruhnya habis, karena saya ga punya waktu disebabkan baby yang wadoooow bener-bener membantu hehe, setelah saya ikat, saya peras sebentar, terus saya gantung biar netes airnya (foto)
Baru tempatkan di tempat yang Anda inginkan, biarkan/istirahatkan sebentar, sebelum di oleh untuk disantap, kalau tidak, masukkan di kulkas