These were made by my husband’s grandmother, still fresh ๐
There are various pogacsa in Hungary and the most known one is using bacon and is called Tepertos Pogacsa. The other common one would be this following yumminess ๐ Which is Cheese Pogacsa.
As it is using krumpli, potato, as the main ingredient, it is called as Krumpli Pogacsa ๐

300 g potato, boil with salted water, drain, mash
100 ml milk
50 g fresh yeast cake (available at health store if your grocery stores don’t carry them)
1 tsp sugar
a pinch of salt
1 egg
4 tbsp sour cream
50 ml sunflower oil (preferably)
400 g flour
1 tbsp sunflower oil, for greasing
1 egg
grated cheese as much as needed

Preheat oven to 350 F
Mix in sugar with lukewarm milk and stir in yeast, let it bloom for 10-15 mins
Mix mashed potato with sour cream, egg, salt, oil, and flour. Knead until smooth and elastic
Roll dough flat and cut with round cutter. Place dough on to a greased baking sheet
Brush the top of dough with beaten egg and sprinkle with cheese (you can make slices on the dough as shown on leave them as is)
Bake for 20-25 minutes until golden brown
Enjoy ๐
Krumpli Pogacsa
- 300 g potato boil with salted water, drain, mash
- 100 ml milk
- 50 g fresh yeast cake available at health store if your grocery stores don’t carry them
- 1 tsp sugar
- a pinch of salt
- 1 egg
- 4 tbsp sour cream
- 50 ml sunflower oil preferably
- 400 g flour
- 1 tbsp sunflower oil for greasing
- 1 egg
- grated cheese as much as needed
- Preheat oven to 350 F
- Mix in sugar with lukewarm milk and stir in yeast, let it bloom for 10-15 mins
- Mix mashed potato with sour cream, egg, salt, oil, and flour. Knead until smooth and elastic
- Roll dough flat and cut with round cutter. Place dough on to a greased baking sheet
- Brush the top of dough with beaten egg and sprinkle with cheese (you can make slices on the dough as shown on leave them as is)
- Bake for 20-25 minutes until golden brown
- Enjoy ๐

Roti Keju Khas Hongaria
Di Hongarian, roti ini beragam rasa dan disebut Pogacsa. Karena yang saya posting ini rasa keju, maka namanya Sajtos (keju) Pogacsa. Ukuran diatas yang biasa dipakai neneknya suami, sedangkan ukuran dibawah, yang biasa saya pakai. Dua-duanya hasilnya sama enaknya ๐
500 g tepung terigu
2 kentang rebus, hancurkan
2 sdm krim masam (sour cream)
1/4 gelas susu hangat suam
1/4 dari 250 g margarin/mentega
secukupnya parutan keju
1 sdt gula pasir
20 g ragi segar (bukan butiran)
1 butir telur, kocok lepas
Beri gula pada susu hangat, masukkan ragi, biarkan hingga melunak
Campur tepung, margarin serta sour cream, uleni sebentar, baru masukkan tepung, uleni rata
Tuang larutan ragi, ulenin hingga tidak lengket ditangan, diamkan 1 jam hingga mengembang
Gilas, garis-garis dengan pisau, jangan sampai putus, lalu cetak dengan cetakan pogacsa, kalau ga ada pakai cetakan yang bentuknya bulat
Taruh di loyang yang sudah diberi margarin/mentega
Sapu dengan telur, taburi keju
Diamkan 20-30 menit, panggang hingga matang kekuningan