This cake is so simple yet so homey. Nyergesi Mama loves baking piskota (it’s similar to sponge cake) for us. She would use fruits she picks from her backyard, as well using vegetables she plants. Soon, I will gain so much here, crazy, but cakes hahaha Can’t-stop-won’t-stop, I will NEVER say no hahahahah. She is spoiling me big time ๐
Today’s piskota is raspberry! YUMMO
You can serve this cake as is but Hungarians love sprinkling the top with icing sugar ๐

- 250 g flour
- 250 g sugar
- 5 eggs
- 12 g BP
- 100 g margarine or butter
- 10 tbsp milk
- fresh/frozen raspberry, if frozen, thaw
- chopped walnut
- icing sugar
- Beat sugar, margarine, egg until creamy and fluffy
- Beat in milk a little at a time
- Mix flour and BP, fold into egg mixture a little at a time
- Pour batter into greased and floured rectangular pan
- Press in raspberries
- Sprinkle with chopped walnut
- Bake on preheated 350 F for 20-30 minutes, until knife inserted in center comes out clean
- Serve with icing sugar (optional)
Malna Piskota
- 250 g flour
- 250 g sugar
- 5 eggs
- 12 g BP
- 100 g margarine or butter
- 10 tbsp milk
- fresh/frozen raspberry if frozen, thaw
- chopped walnut
- icing sugar
- Beat sugar, margarine, egg until creamy and fluffy
- Beat in milk a little at a time
- Mix flour and BP, fold into egg mixture a little at a time
- Pour batter into greased and floured rectangular pan
- Press in raspberries
- Sprinkle with chopped walnut
- Bake on preheated 350 F for 20-30 minutes, until knife inserted in center comes out clean
- Serve with icing sugar (optional)

Bahasa Indonesia – Bolu Rasberi
Resep dari neneknya suamiku ๐ Beliau sukaaaaaa sekali bikin kue, jadinya kalau tinggal dekat beliau, pipi kita tembem-tembem deh hahaha ๐

25 dkg tepung terigu
25 dk gula pasir
5 butir telur
1 bungkus BP (12 g)
10 dkg margarin/mentega
10 sdm susu cair
buah raspberry segar/beku (suhu ruangan), secukupnya
kacang walnut, cacah, secukupnya
gula halus buat taburan, jika ingin
Cara Membuat
Kocok gula, margarin, serta telur hingga lembut
Tuang susu, adu rata
Beri campuran tepung dan BP, aduk rata
Tuang pada loyang yang sudah dioles margarin dan ditaburi sedikit tepung
Beri buah, agak ditekan, taburi dengan kacang
Panggang hingga matang
Sajikan (beri taburan gula halus jika suka)