This bread pudding normally served for Christmas dessert, but in our house we eat it almost anytime as it is simple, quick and easy to make which my kids love to help. Some people serve it warm but we like it chilled from the fridge.

In Hungary we use ‘kifli’, crescent shaped bread, but you can use any day old buns/rolls.
Some people use egg in their mixture and other additional, however our recipe is the most simplest one.
The measurement is just roughly, as it is depending on how many serving you’d like to make (like you can actually make a single/individual serving for yourself which of course would only need 1-2 rolls, a little milk, a little poppy seeds)
300-500 g buns/rolls, can be tear with your hands or slice with knife or cubed
100 g poppy seeds, ground
1 envelope vanilla sugar
3 1/2 c milk (or enough to soak the buns)
5 tbsp or enough sugar (the sweetness is to what you like, so more or less is depending you)

Mix vanilla sugar with ground poppy seeds
Dissolved sugar in milk and simmer on low heat . Take off from heat and dip bread slices in milk. Place soaked bread into a bowl, repeat until all breads are wet
Mix in poppy seed mixture into the bowl, stir well to combine
Serve right away or chilled (the next day is even better IMO)
Poppy Seed Bread Pudding (Makos Guba)
- 300-500 g buns/rolls can be tear with your hands or slice with knife or cubed
- 100 g poppy seeds ground
- 1 envelope vanilla sugar
- 3 1/2 c milk or enough to soak the buns
- 5 tbsp or enough sugar the sweetness is to what you like, so more or less is depending you
- Mix vanilla sugar with ground poppy seeds
- Dissolved sugar in milk and simmer on low heat . Take off from heat and dip bread slices in milk. Place soaked bread into a bowl, repeat until all breads are wet
- Mix in poppy seed mixture into the bowl, stir well to combine
- Serve right away or chilled (the next day is even better IMO)

Di Hongaria, puding ini dikenal dengan nama Makos Guba.
Roti yang dipakai untuk membuat makos guba, dikenal dengan nama Kifli. Meskipun bentuknya mirip croissant, kifli tidak renyah/kepyar seperti croissant, melainkan mirip tekstur roti perancis (baguette). Jadi kalau mau buat puding ini, tentunya ga ada kifli di Indonesia, pakai saja roti perancis yah 🙂
5 buah roti kifli
500-600 ml susu
5 sdm gula pasir
1 bungkus gula vanila (Vanilla sugar)
100 g biji popi (poppy seeds), haluskan
Campur gula dan susu, hangatkan suam kuku potong-potong kifli, celupkan dalam susu
Campurkan gula vanila dan biji popi, aduk rata
Taruh kifli pada mangkuk besar, beri campuran popi, aduk rata
Sajikan langsung ataupun dingin, sesuai selera (saya lebih senang dingin baru keluar dari kulkas sih :))