A tad healthier? Let’s just believe so ๐
Baked this brownies for Nyergesi Mama to taste ๐ Introducing her to some American/Canadian baking lol
Sometimes I buy tons of egg whites in cartons when they are on sale to either use right away or freeze up. Sometimes I forget about them until the BB date almost up, and this was one of those days lol, hence lots of egg whites in the recipe ๐

14 egg whites (from carton)
200 g dark cooking chocolate
100 g milk chocolate
250 g sugar
100 g butter
100 g margarine
200 g flour
2 handful walnut, chopped roughly

Melt chocolate and butter together in microwave or double boiler or straight in pot over stove, whichever is easy for you
Stir in flour a little at a time until mixed
Beat egg whites until stiff
Preheat oven to 350 F and grease a rectangular pan with butter lightly
Fold in beaten egg whites into chocolate mixture until combined well
Pour in melted butter mixture, mix well
Pour 1/2 batter into pan, sprinkle with chopped walnut then pout the rest of the batter and sprinkle top with more walnut
Bake for 25 minutes or until knife comes out clean

Great to be served warm or room temperature
Egg Whites Brownies
- 14 egg whites from carton
- 200 g dark cooking chocolate
- 100 g milk chocolate
- 250 g sugar
- 100 g butter
- 100 g margarine
- 200 g flour
- 2 handful walnut chopped roughly
- Melt chocolate and butter together in microwave or double boiler or straight in pot over stove, whichever is easy for you
- Stir in flour a little at a time until mixed
- Beat egg whites until stiff
- Preheat oven to 350 F and grease a rectangular pan with butter lightly
- Fold in beaten egg whites into chocolate mixture until combined well
- Pour in melted butter mixture, mix well
- Pour 1/2 batter into pan, sprinkle with chopped walnut then pout the rest of the batter and sprinkle top with more walnut
- Bake for 25 minutes or until knife comes out clean
- Great to be served warm or room temperature
- Enjoy~

Brownies putih telur enak tenan ๐
Bikin ini karena mau menghabiskan putih telur sisa bikin kue puding butter-vanilla kemarin. Dibawah ini pakai coklat couverture yang saya beli di Jerman, kalau kesusahan cari di Indonesia, pakai saya coklat masak biasa, bisa juga tentunya. Bahkan saya tambahin coklat buatan Hungary khusus untuk coklat yang dicairkan buat kue tart (namanya juga nyoba-nyoba hihihi). Dijamin moist dan nyoklat banget rasa brownies dibawah ini, seperti halnya brownies pakai kuning telur
14 putih telur
200 g couverture zardbitter (dark cooking chocolate)
100 g kakaos tej tortabevono (coklat masak yang rasa susu, bukan yang bitter)
250 g gula pasir
100 g mentega + 100 g margarin (boleh 200 g mentega ataupun 200 g margarin, menyesuaikan saja)
200 g tepung terigu
2 genggam kacang walnut, cacah kasar
Cara Membuat
Lelehkan coklat dan mentega+margarin (ga perlu di tim, lelehkan langsung baik diatas kompor ataupun di mikro)
Masukkan terigu sedikit demi sedikit, aduk rata
Kocok putih telur hingga berbusa (1-2 menit), masukkan gula sedikit demi sedikit sambil terus dikocok hingga mengental dan mengembang
Panaskan oven
Tuang kocokan putih telur ke coklat, aduk rata perlahan, hingga tercampur rata
Beri mentega/margarin pada loyang
Tuang 1/2 adonan, tabur dengan cacahan kacang walnut, tuang sisa adonan, dan beri kaang walnut lagi
Panggang hingga matang 25 menit
Sajikan hangat ataupun dingin suhu ruangan